
今天收到了U of T 的offer. 十分兴奋又万分担心。我的问题比较复杂。
我9月在加登陆,现在在加拿大的University of Guelph 学化学。我在出国前就申请了多大的MMPA(master of management and professional accounting)program.昨天我收到了多大的offer. 我想乘这个机会换专业去上多大。 但是我对visa是否需要重新申请student authorization不太确定。
我从加拿大移民局的web 上down下了以下内容:
If you are currently studying in Canada, and wish to change the type of institution where you study(e.g college to university) a new student authorization is required. However, if you are moving between the same type of institution, regardless of change in level of study, you do not require a new student authorization.
“the same type of institution”是否是指university to university? 这是否意味着我不用申请new student authorization 了吗?
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