[布里斯班二手] I'm looking for mobile phone which I can type mandarine, 求购旧中文手机!!

my phone has been broken i bought it in china.
I need mobile phone likes that I can type mandarine in it,
beacause sometimes i send my friend message who lives in china.
but i don't need excellent quality as touchphone.
it's OK just i can type it in phone and have call

my phone is unavailable on now.

here is my friend's phonenumber??
Brad : 0432 639 054

please contact him" ;)

本帖最后由 小U 于 2009-6-22 20:01 编辑

索爱C902 這臺手機可以么? 500萬像素、帶人臉跟蹤功能、全景拍攝、中文、前後一直是貼膜的,屏幕毫無刮傷,使用10個月,功能一切正常。帶1GB內存卡,190元
C902 視頻介紹: http://www.cnet.com.au/sony-ericsson-c902_video-339285939.htm
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