
1. Oxford 13th century
2. Cambridge 1209
3. St Andrews 1410-1413
4. Glasgow 1451
5. Aberdeen 1495
6. Edinburgh 1583
7. Lampeter 1822(University of Wales 1893)
8. Manchester 1824(UMIST 1824 Victoria Manchester 1851)
9. UCL 1826(University of London 1836)
10. King’s College 1829(University of London 1836)
11. Durham 1832
12. Queen’s Belfast 1845
13. Aberystwyth 1872(University of Wales 1893)
14. Royal Holloway 1879(University of London 1836)
15. Liverpool 1881
16. Cardiff 1883
17. Bangor 1884(University of Wales 1893)
18. LSE 1895(University of London 1836)
19. Birmingham 1900
20. Goldsmiths 1904(University of London 1836)
21. Leeds 1904
22. Sheffield 1905
23. Imperial College 1907(University of London 1836)
24. Bristol 1909
25. SOAS 1916(University of London 1836)
26. Reading 1926
27. Hull 1927
28. Queen Mary 1932(University of London 1836)
29. Nottingham 1948
30. Southampton 1952
31. Exeter 1955
32. Leicester 1957
33. Sussex 1961
34. Keele 1962
35. East Anglia 1963
36. Newcastle 1963
37. York 1963
38. Essex 1964
39. Lancaster 1964
40. Strathclyde 1964
41. Kent 1965
42. LBS 1965(University of London 1836)
43. Warwick 1965
44. Aston 1966
45. Bath 1966
46. Bradford 1966
47. Brunel 1966
48. City 1966
49. Heriot-Watt 1966
50. Loughborough 1966
51. Surrey 1966
52. Dundee 1967
53. Salford 1967
54. Stirling 1967
55. Cranfield 1969
56. De Montfort 1969
57. Staffordshire 1970
58. Ulster 1984
59. APU 1992
60. Bournemouth 1992
61. Brighton 1992
62. Central England 1992
63. Central Lancashire 1992
64. Coventry 1992
65. Derby 1992
66. East London 1992
67. Glamorgan 1992
68. Greenwich 1992
69. Hertfordshire 1992
70. Huddersfield 1992
71. Kingston 1992
72. Leeds Metro 1992
73. Liverpool JMU 1992
74. Luton 1992
75. Manchester Metro 1992
76. Middlesex 1992
77. Napier 1992
78. Northumbria 1992
79. Nottingham Trent 1992
80. Oxford Brookes 1992
81. Paisley 1992
82. Plymouth 1992
83. Portsmouth 1992
84. Robert Gordon 1992
85. Sheffield Hallam 1992
86. South Bank 1992
87. Sunderland 1992
88. Teesside 1992
89. Thames Valley 1992
90. West England 1992
91. Westminster 1992
92. Wolverhampton 1992
93. Abertay Dundee 1994
94. Lincoln 1996
95. Newport 1996(University of Wales 1893)
96. Gloucestershire 2001
97. Swansea 2001(From its foundation as part of the University of Wales in 1920)
Post-1992 universities
In the UK, the Post-1992 universities or Modern Universities are the former polytechnics or colleges of higher education that were given the status of universities by John Major's government in 1992 or colleges that have been granted university status since then:
see above universities founded in 1992
These universities award their academic degrees and received university status after the Further and Higher Education Act, 1992 came into effect.
Further and Higher Education Act, 1992
The Further and Higher Education Acts 1992 made changes in the funding and administration of further education and higher education within the United Kingdom. Their most visible result was to allow polytechnics to become universities. In addition the Act created bodies to fund higher education in England HEFCE and further education FEFC. Universities in Scotland and Wales which had previously been funded by one UK-wide Universities Funding Council were the subject of other Acts that created higher education funding councils in each country.
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