
新西兰移民部长Hon Lainne Dalziel和经济济发展部长Jim Anderton四月十九日共同宣布,政府将出台新的移民条例,允许工业企业从海外雇佣技术人员。移民部长Hon Lainne Dalziel说,专业和工业企业可以向移民局提出要求从海外招聘雇员。经济发展部长Jim说,新条例旨在解决一些重要的工业领域比如林木工业的技术人员短缺问题。
新的政策不仅可以签发工作签证也可以根据需要签发定居签证。对于提出申请要向海外招聘雇员的单位,要求其对于国家有贡献,需要的人员是短缺的并且是真实的。移民局可以向经济发展部或者其他部门进行咨询确认。另据长城信息公司的消息,移民部长Lianne Dalziel在今天启程前往澳大利亚参加澳大利亚联邦移民部长与新西兰移民部长年度会议之前,阐述了新西兰移民政策的发展变化。她说,她感到自豪的是新西兰的移民政策已经取得进步,具体包括:
4)与德国、意大利及香港签署了三个工作假期协议(Working Holiday Schemes);

Government announces immigration changes for skilled workers
The Government has announced new immigration rules that will allow New Zealand industries to employ skilled workers from overseas.
Immigration Minister Lianne Dalziel and Economic Development Minister Jim Anderton announced today that special provisions allowing industry groups to employ overseas workers would be broadened.
Special provisions are already in place to facilitate the entry of skilled IT workers and the ministers said the new provision would work in a similar way.
"The special arrangements for IT workers from overseas will effectively be extended to other occupations where a case has been presented by an occupational or industry group," said Ms Dalziel.
Jim Anderton said the provisions would address the shortage of skilled workers in key industries, such as forestry.
Under the new provisions, industry groups will be able to approach the Minister of Immigration to seek exceptions to immigration policy in cases where industries or sectors were experiencing skill shortages.
"We have agreed that where sectors want to bring in skilled workers and those skills are not available in New Zealand, industries should be given an opportunity to present their case for special exceptions,?said the ministers.
"We would need to be satisfied that there was a genuine shortage of skill and that the sector contributes to New Zealand's economic development. Industry groups will need to provide clear reasons why a special provision would be needed."
The Minister for Economic Development will be involved in developing the exceptions, which will apply to temporary entry or permanent residence policies.
As part of the process, the New Zealand Immigration Service will initially assess any requests under the new policy exceptions and will consult with the Ministry of Economic Development, and other groups as necessary.
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