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“In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed”. Does a common man suffer from a group’s ideology? Express your opinion, and support the same with reasons and examples.读到题目的一瞬间,相信所有考生都是懵逼的。War of ideas? 这是神马鬼?

找了一下这句话的出处,作者是一个波兰的诗人,叫Stanis?aw Jerzy Lec.
首先,这个名字就让我们吃了一惊。来,试想如果RA中出现了这个名字,该怎么读?正解是:/sta??iswaf ?j??? l?ts/ 斯坦尼斯洛夫·杰兹·勒茨这位诗人的一生中,其实写了很多名句,但大多数的意思都如此地扑朔迷离:

当然,这位诗人也写过很漂亮的名句,比如说:No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.在一场雪崩中,没有一片雪花会认为自己应该为此负责。The exit is usually where the entrance was.我们往往会发现来时的路,和离开的路,是同一条。

当然有些句子可能有些悲观: Do not ask God the way to heaven; he will show you the hardest one.不要问上帝通往天堂的捷径;他会告诉你最困难的那条路。

以及我们著名的这个考题:In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed.在理念的纷争中,付出的代价往往是生命。斯坦尼斯洛夫生活在二战时期的波兰,时局的动荡使得他备受流离之苦。在德国入侵波兰,与苏联进入胶着战的期间,这位犹太诗人人的生活非常困苦。通过这种处境,我们不难理解,其实这句话是一种非常愤世嫉俗的体现:你们打你们的仗,干嘛打扰我的生活!

在考试中,我们也可以从关键词的角度来说理解这个题目:War: conflict / argument / enemy / battle / hostility / warfare
Ideas: belief/ concept/ faithPeople: children/ women/refugee/ person/ individual/ group/  mankind/ humanity/ public/privateKilled: casuaty/ trauma/ injury/ wound
接下来我们就来看看满分范文是怎么写的吧。Sample EssayA group’s ideology can sometimes harm the general public. A famous saying that represents this is “In a war of ideas, it is people who get killed”. I personally agree with this statement because it is evident that when various groups with different ideas come into an argument, it will usually hurt the public. A good example that can be used is the government.
Governments usually consist of various groups or parties that have different approaches towards the betterment of the country. Whenever one party is unhappy with another due to a loss, they usually take it out on the residents by increasing costs of products or even property. For example, if the current government does not obtain sufficient votes to win, they may reduce the benefits of the pension scheme. This is unfair for the residents as they have only minded their own business but still have to deal with these unfortunate events.
Secondly, governments usually rollout an idea onto the residents even though it is not accepted by the public. They claim that it will help the growth of industries in the country but never considered how the residents may feel. For example, governments introduce projects despite the negative feedback from residents. In this case, it is clear that common man do indeed suffer from ideologies that have been forced onto them unwillingly.
In conclusion, it is true that the in a war of ideas, people do get killed. Therefore, I strongly agree with the statement as it is very clear that people are bound to gethurt if their opinions are not considered before deciding on an idea. (271 words)????
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