(October 26, 2011)
以下是美国某一报纸作者与Mr. Oppenheim对话后在2011年10月16日发表的谈话概述,我摘自其中一些内容希望对大家有参考的价值
Summary of Mr. Oppenheim’s Key Points
EB-2 China and India will advance significantly over the next few visa bulletins. A possible slowdown (or retrogression) may come in the summer of 2012. EB-3 China and, specifically, India, will move very slowly and this category is “ridiculously” oversubscribed — very long times to be expected. Family-based dates will advance gradually.
General Visa Number Trends 家庭类总体签证配额趋向
With respect to family-based cases, Mr. Oppenheim noted that the demand, especially in the FB2 category has exceeded his expectations after the sharp forward movement at the end of 2010. This sharp forward movement has generated a significant demand for FB2 preference category visas and he has had to retrogress significantly in order to control demand. He indicated that slow forward movement is expected.
On a more general level, Mr. Oppenheim shared that his goal is to advance the cutoff dates more at the beginning of the fiscal year (October, November and December visa bulletins) and then, as he is able to gauge demand for a particular preference category, adjust accordingly by either slowing down or retrogressing (if demand is high) or advancing even more (is demand turns out to be low).
在家庭类别方面,Mr. Oppenheim注意到,特别是FB2在2010财政年底的排期大幅加快了后移民申请需求迅猛增加并超出预期。因此他不得不倒退排期以便抑制需求。他说接下来的小幅度前进是可以期待的。从整体水平来看,Mr. Oppenheim说明了他的目标是在财政年的开头(10月,11月和12月排期)把排期加快一些。这样他就能衡量某些类别的需求情况以便调整排期进展(如果需求太高就放慢或倒退,如果需求放缓就加快步伐)
看了整片文章最喜欢看到的是:家庭类别的优先期将逐步加快。究竟逐步加快有没有一个具体的时间参考期呢?加快的步伐又有多大呢?从本文章的第二段来说,其实都是官方口腔而已起不到很大的参考作用。根据Mr. Oppenheim的说法我本人估计是在2012年的1月份或2月份开始步伐会加大一些。12月份我认为F4前进幅度还是在一个月的范围。另外根据版主给我们列出的印度签证参考人数我们可以得出,虽然每个领馆的F4人数都是在逐步增长,但离750人的月平均人数还是有一段距离
(11月份印度的总签证人数不到400人,已经确定了Mumbai领馆11月份没有F4类签证),因此我有理由相信在接下来的1月份或2月份步伐会把10,,11,12月份剩余的数额补上从而逐步加快;如果乐观的话会去到2个月的幅度。如果NVC硬要按照历史排期的步伐慢慢挪走的话我们也只能无语了 |