
今天收到concordia university的计算机工程系的一封信,原文如下:
I am pleased to inform you that the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering has considered your application and is recommending you to the school of Graduate Studies for our master of Applied Science program,beginning January 2002.It is required that you write the Concordia English Language Diagnostic Test(CELDT)and take any English as a Second Language (ESL) courses determined.The Graduate Studies Admission Office will further process your application and will send you anoffical letter to inform you of their final decision.
If you decide to accept this offer,you must respond within six weeks.
我不太明白:是否指只要我参加Concordia English Language Diagnostic Test以及ESL就录取我了,还是指要先参加才决定是否录取?还有2002.1的课程是指英语课程还是正式课程?
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