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visa grant notification Subclass 101 child visa
I am writing about CHEN CHENG's application for a Child visa which was lodged on 09 MAY 2005.
ON 01 March 2006 a decision was taken to grant the visa applicant this visa.
The visas require that the visa holder first enter Australia before 09 May 2006.
After initial entry to Australia has been made the visas allow the visa holders to leave and re-enter Australia as many times as they wish until 01 March 2011.Please note that the visas will cease on this date.
The visa granted to CHEN CHENG also has the following conditions:
1.The visa holder arrives in Australia before the expiry date of the visa;
2.The visa holder's health has not,since the grant of the visa,deteriorated to such
an extent as to render him/her ineligible for admission to Australia;
3.during the period between the grant of the visa and the visa holder's arrival in Australia no adverse information regarding himself/herself or his/her family becomes
known;and there is no change in his/her marital status before her arrival in Australia
please note that the validity of the visa cannot be extended and his/her passport must still be valid at the time of arrival in Australia.
Visa Grant Number
The visa grant number is [21805923].This is the unique number assigned to the visa.Visa
holders should keep this visa grant number with them,as they may have to provide it to the Department during the life of the visa.

The visa is linked to the passport number that the visa holder provided in their application .If the visa holder obtains a new passport after receiving this letter, they will need to contact the nearest Immigration office in Australia or overseas to advise the Department of the new passport details.
Please note: If visa holders do not provide us with the details of any new passport issued to them, They may experience significant delays at the airport and may be denied permission to board their plane .
Checking the Visa Details
The Department has developed a new service called Entitlement Verification Online(EVO)
which allows certain third parties to check visa information with a visa holder's consent.
Through EVO,visa holders can give their consent to registered third parties such as:
employers and labour suppliers,to help check whether their visa alows them to work in Australia;
government agencies,to help assess their eligibility for services;
licensing authorities, to help establish their eligibility for a licence;and educational institutions to assess whether they can study in Australia
The disclosure of visa information by the Department is governed by the Privacy Act 1988.Therefore ,the Department will disclose information about a visa to a third party only with the consent of the visa holder.Visa holders can consent to an inquiry about their visa entitlements by giving the third party their name, date of birth, passport number and passport country of issue.If the visa holder does not wish a third party to find out about his/her visa entitlements,she/he should not give them this information.
The information form 993i Safeguarding your personal information, available on the Department’s website(www.immi.gov.au ) or from Immigration offices, gives details of third parties to which visa holders can consent to their personal information being disclosed , and how they can consent.
Change in Circumstances
IF, after a visa has been granted to him/her but before arrival in Australia, a change occurs in his/her circumstances which would affect his/her eligibility for the class of visa granted, you should inform this office immediately that change occurs. Failure to do so could result in the child being refused admission to Australia.
Entitlement to English Language Tuition
The commonwealth Government provides English language tuition in Australia (up to a maximum of 510 hours or the number of reach functional English, whichever comes first) through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) to people granted a subclass 101 visa if they:
Do not have functional English; and were 18 years of age or over when their visa was granted
Were 18 years of age or over when their visa was granted (if the migration application was lodged before 1 May 1997),or
Were 18 years of age or over when they lodged their application (if the migration application was lodged from May 1997 onwards).
If you believe that you or any members of your family would be entitled to English tuition,make sure you register with an AMEP service provider within 3 months of you arrival in Australia.
You are required to begin classes within 12 months of you arrival and complete you tuition under the AMEP within 36 months of arrival. Provisions exist to extend these time frames in certain circumstances. Information on this can be obtained through the service provider.
Working in Australia
This visa allows you to work in Australia. However, you are reminded that the visa provides no guarantee of employment in Australia, nor does acceptance of qualifications for migration purposes. Employment opportunities in some occupations are particular occupations vary between States and Territories and may be amended from time to time.
Social Security Payments
Now that your visa has been granted, I would like to remind you of the importance of making adequate financial arrangements to support yourself and your family while you are looking for work.
As you know, new migrants to Australia must wait two years before they can receive most social security income support payments.” Income
Support” is government welfare assistance that is enough to live on.The payments with a waiting period include unemployment and sickness benefits, austudy income support payments for students and a number of other payments.
Special benefit is the only form of government welfare assistance which might be payable to people during the two year waiting period. However, special benefit is only available to new migrants on a very restricted basis –that is ,if there has been a substantial change in circumstances beyond the person’s control. Inability to find employment or running out of money are not sufficient reasons to qualify for special benefit. For advice about eligibility contact Centrelink, the organization that makes social security payments at the address below.
The two year waiting period does not apply to Refugee and Humanitarian entrants immediate family members(partners and dependent children).Permanent visa hold immediate family member (partners and dependent children) of Australian citizen who have been permanent residents for at least two year,are exempt from the waiting period for some payments.
You may also contact Centrelink,the organisation that makes social security payments.For further information,you can write to
National Manager Communications
Box 7788 Canberra Mail Centre
Resident Return Visa
The issue of further resident return visas will be conditional upon meeting Australian residential requirements.
Eligibility for Australian Citizenship
Permanent residents of Australia can apply for Australian citizenship. General for the grant of Australian citizenship when they have been present in Australia residents for a total of two years in the previous five years, including twelve years immediately before the date they apply. Further information about Austral can be obtained after arrival from any office of the Department of Immigration a Affairs in Australia.
Yours sincerely
Karen sheng
For Clodagh Wylie
Migration Officer
03 March 2006
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