本帖最后由 sxlgameboy 于 2017/5/28 10:02 编辑
公司简介The New Class Education is an authoritative business and engineering tutorial counseling agencies. There are companies in Sydney to facilitate student counseling and tutoring. Since its inception, we have been committed to the course of exploration and teaching methods of continuous improvement, so far, covering almost all of subjects of business and engineering, has more than hundreds of students through the New Class Education guidance Counseling, and successfully achieve their own needs.
要求:所补课程成绩需达到至少D,认真负责,思路清晰,耐心对待学生。目前公司重心放在uts,所有擅长uts课程的老师 不论是哪个学校毕业的 都可以提出工作申请,有无教学经验均可,实行教学责任制,以保证学生和老师权益! 一门课程只有一个老师负责,从开学负责到期末,不要求老师一人可以教授多门课的能力,但要求做精做细自己所教授的每一门课,切实服务学生,保证教学质量,以教学服务为第一宗旨!我们期待能够长期合作的小伙伴,在我们这里有24小时待命的客服,有温和谦逊的教学前辈,所有的新学堂工作人员都是你强有力的Backup! 在遇到任何困难面前,我们的团队都会展现出强有力的团队精神,一同奋进!欢迎感兴趣的朋友咨询我们,
我们的邮箱是: [email protected] 联系电话0406125699 Jack