

Jeff Poe, 澳大利亚最大的财务,会计和记账培训公司之一的创始者认为,会计和簿记业正在蓬勃发展,该行业的就业机会正在上升。特别是,所有从事商业活动的行业对记帐员与会计都有强烈的需求。 Poe评论说:「人们谈论资讯科技行业的增长,但根据财务和会计界所看到的机会,我会说会计及金融也是富有机会的领域。」 我们看到许多初创企业和小生意企业在全国各地建立。” “ABS的最新数据显示,在澳大利亚经营的企业数量正在增加,截至2014/2015财年年底,有210万家企业,这一数字正在持续上涨。墨尔本是新兴企业和新业务的特别热点。 每个业务都需要财务,会计和簿记的支持。” “虽然许多企业正在全职雇用人员进行会计和簿记活动,但许多企业正在选择将这些服务外包给顾问,承包商和专业人员,从而避免全职工人员员工的成本。这意味着人们有越来越多的机会获得咨询或兼职岗位。” 这种类型的工作的伟大之处在于可以远程完成许多工作,许多企业现在使用像XERO这样的基于云的会计系统,,这些系统可以从任何地方访问。” “退休人员,家庭父母,任何有合理办公或管理经验的人都可以参与提供服务。” “我们的培训公司在今年初推出了在线证书IV会计和簿记课程,收到了市场的热烈欢迎。这个课程是在线课程,参加者可以在长达18个月内完成课程。一旦完成,人们可以使用该学历成为自由的簿记员,建立自己的簿记业务,甚至寻求咨询,兼职或全职公司会计的职位。” “我强烈建议求职者或任何人如果要找工作,那么就可以尝试找财务和会计方面的工作。每个生意都需要财务或者会计方面的员工,每天都有新的企业设立,对于会计或薄记市场上有强烈的需求 白金专业培训是一家在政府注册的培训公司,在澳洲所有主要城市都设有办事处,提供广泛的包括在线课程与面对面的金融和簿记培训课程。如果想要加速个人会计能力提升,尽快增长行业或实践经验,尽快找到工作,那么相关课程寻找新机遇的人们的理想选择。
拿起电话,赶紧拨打1300 030 700 预约免费咨询吧!

Please join me in congratulating Anm's Banking Officer Position in the local FMCG Consulting Industry.

Anm graduated five years ago, but during those five years, similar to many international students, he was struggling with completing Professional Year programs, IELTS English Testing and also working on his Visa issues to achieve Permanent Residency.

In the meantime, he was able to obtain work in some basic office jobs, such as performing basic Administration and Customer Service duties. Stepping further into the local accounting and finance industry was always his desire.

After he joined Platinum’s Assistant Accountant Program, he was able to secure an Accountant position in a local Communications Company, and now, together with Platinum’s professional experience, he is jumping into his dream financial area and perform high end consulting duties now.

Platinum Professional Training is so proud to help so many university graduates and local junior Accounting professionals in getting their dream accounting/finance positions. It is such an honour to help so many people change their lives as well. We believe in improving the Australian Accounting market with more logical & systematic accounting training to bridge overseas experience or theoretical accounting studies with real practical local accounting experience.

Platinum Professional Training, a fast and simple way to career success!   

From: Anm
Sent: Saturday, 18 March 2017, 09:03 PM
To: Yolanda, Tyna
Subject: Congratulations on your new role

Dear Yolanda and Tyna

Hope you are well.

Writing to thank you and Platinum Accounting for your support towards landing on my desired job.

I would love to share my interview experience with Platinum team so it can help new job candidates of similar field. I started looking for accounting related jobs rigorously to start my career in finance and accounting through Seek.com. I got a phone interview the very next day, and was also shortlisted for face to face interview. Until I got the Offer letter, I faced 4 interviews in total, and was also given a document with few questions centering my job experience/ challenge handling and details of responsibility handled. The final interview was with the Hiring Manager and HR Manager face to face after which I was confirmed with the final offer letter.

Noted below are a list of questions that was asked during all my phases of interview:

1.        Problem solving, logic and patience are critical skills in this role. Can you provide an example(s) where you have demonstrated such skills?
2.        You have worked numerous companies for short periods of time. What had prompted you to change roles?
3.        Please confirm your decision to move away from your last employer?

Hopefully, my experience may do a little help for the other job seekers in Platinum Accounting.

Thanking you again Platinum team for your full support to help me land on my desired job.

With best regards,

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