
thank you!:handshake
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gengjinhaocc 发表于 2014-4-1 19:50
我在读master of accounting 在unisa,有机会可以带你去教堂感受下

我在读master of accounting 在unisa,有机会可以带你去教堂感受下
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苦逼小黑哥 发表于 2014-3-10 17:42
改住homestey吧 起码每天有房东和你说话 另外学校都有相关的英语课程 专门为国际生设置的 都是免费的 去 ...

我之前就是住的home stay ,现在搬出来,为了上课更方便,不用等公交车。
糖兮Z忧兮 发表于 2014-3-10 16:34
Thank you!
My major is master of finance and accounting, so you know, it is not easy for me to ma ...

改住homestey吧 起码每天有房东和你说话 另外学校都有相关的英语课程 专门为国际生设置的 都是免费的 去问问学校 他们很乐意帮助你
gengjinhaocc 发表于 2014-3-10 13:48
u can go to church, or find someone who is really good at this, then practise.

Thank you!
My major is master of finance and accounting, so you know, it is not easy for me to make friends with the people who are not come from China. I really want to know some foreigners.
u can go to church, or find someone who is really good at this, then practise.
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