Life Tree Family Day Care provides childcare serivce

Located at Gepps Cross standing at the great intersection of Grand Junction , Wakefield and Main North Rd. It is convenient for parents  to drop off and pick up children on their way of work. Government CCB is available and out of pocket money is small. I am fully qualified with Australian training and working expriences in children services . If interested, please contact 0430212033, 82605917
dachuan1987 发表于 2012-7-11 21:36
你好!我们是周五、周六、周日晚上工作,孩子需要找人照顾,不知道是否可以晚上8点左右带孩子过去,然后11点 ...

我想请问下这个时间点孩子都是睡觉的啊,你怎么放child care啊?接孩子把孩子弄醒不要哭闹个不停?

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You are welcome.
zjnoriko 发表于 2012-6-25 16:50
I am Chinese literate .

If you want to send your child to a childcare center, you need to get  ...

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4MERC 发表于 2012-6-24 15:24
hi, There:
Not sure whether you read Chinese.
I am considering sending my child to a Dayc ...

I am Chinese literate .

If you want to send your child to a childcare center, you need to get registered on a waiting list first. You need to enrol NOW, because some hot centers may put you in queue for a long time . Normally Centers do not charge parents by hour, no mattter how many hours a day you send your child, you need to pay the whole day fee--12hours a day from 6am---6pm, nearly $80 a day on average.  If your child is under 2 years old , maybe it is better for him to go Family day care , because cross infection within a center makes children of younger age very vulnerable. Another advantage of Family Day Care is we charge more flexibly such as  either by hour or by half day , either on a fixed hour contract or not . Parents have more power to decide and to make a best deciion fit to your family situation. if you are thinking of this option, welcome to call me 0430212033, 82605917
lili_pilly 发表于 2012-6-22 08:35
our family dont have ccb. so how much are ur fees?

if do not have CCB, you need to pay cash without a formal contract. I can charge you by hour . you can call me to discuss details 0430212033,82605917
本帖最后由 4MERC 于 2012-6-24 15:26 编辑

hi, There:
Not sure whether you read Chinese. {:1_1:}
I am considering sending my child to a Daycare Center within a couple of months. Can you please provide general info. on current Daycare price? And do I need register before hand? Many thanks.
our family dont have ccb. so how much are ur fees?
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