套房和单间出租coopers plains

Nice master room for rent $180 with air conditioning, wardrobe and queen sized bed.

Single room for rent $120 big nice window warm sun for winter.
Unlimited internet, friendlyshare mates,  one hongkong girl live in the house at the moment.

水电,internet 全包, 友好室友。双人床,超大衣橱,近学校和华人购物中心和餐厅. walk in wardrobe, desk, chairs, bookself, cookingware..... Unlimited wireless ADSL 2+高速上网. 安静又方便,5分钟便可以走到巴士站,华人超市和餐馆.

欢迎不抽烟爱干净上班族. 另外两间小套房 $130 和 $150 欢迎看房 :) 谢谢大家!

Address 123 Hammersmith Street, Coopers Plains
Contact Michelle 0430 531 626

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