!Please close this forum

I'm in Perth,Australia,the nearest developed countries' city to South East Asia. Plenty of Singaporese and Malayshere. They told me that only the poorest citizens study in their own country.If possible, they all choose to study in UK,US,AUS.
I'm teaching chinese to Australian and Norweign. They look down on these people ' English boz they have a strong accent.
Sometimes,the Australian and English and Americans say sorry to Singaporese and Malay boz they can't understand what they said although English is these people's official language.I think the Singaporese and Malay are a little shy to say in class.Of course, their English is much better than mine.
Even if u can learn good English there, still much poorer than the people from UK,US,AUS. And from some Chinese students' exp,they studied in Sing and Malay for a few years, and then all choose to here. The Singaporese learned good Chinese skills from them,but their English didn't improve a lot.
If u want Singapore and Malaysia to be a bridge to the developed countries,may be u can choose to go there. If u want to have a degree or improve English there, it's just a daydream.
This is the first time I came here, and want to see this division to close for ever and plz don't give me another chance to see this kind of page again.
Great Chinese

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