
关于application forms,有几个问题,弄不太清楚,希望大家能按顺序回答我。这个是城大的form
1,Chinese Character Code:是要你写中文名的拼音吧?但是他每个字对应的只给了4个格子,可有的字是5个字母才够啊,怎么办?
2,有一栏要填HKID No.或Passport No.:,但我这两样都没有怎么办啊?空着?
3,在Qualifications Obtained表格里,是填大学经历的吧?有2栏是Title of Award (Please specify field of study)还有Classification of Award/GPA,是填什么的阿?还有Medium of Teaching of the Institution 是填什么啊?教学用的语言?
4,在Additional Information里面,有一行是Name of CityU academic staff member contacted, if any:,是不是说我之前和哪个教授联系过,就把他的名字填上去啊?
5,Documents to be submitted together with the application form,Application fee receipt or a bankdraft (applications will not be processed if the payment of the application fee has not been settled)是不是说要先把钱寄过去,这样我的申请表才有效阿?还是要我把钱夹在申请表里面寄过去?
6,Please send the referee’s report form to two academic referees for completion. Completed forms should be returned by the referees to the School of Graduate Studies directly under confidential cover.
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