
I received and checked your application yesterday. Congratulations again
for your achievements. I have asked the prograduate admissions tutor to
send you an offer for MPhil/PhD.
Unfortunately at the moment I do not have funding available.  I am
preparing an application PhD funding at the moment and I will submit it
early January.  Nevertheless it will cover only the EU/home tuition fees
and not the overseas. You have excellent qualifications and most likely
you will get the ORS award, but this is not guaranteed. The safest way
is to secure the difference in tuition fees from some other sourse.
Would you be interested in other areas of research in our Department,
again in the area of fluid dynamics? For example experimental work?
以我个人的理解,他是说申请ORS不一定成功,最好有其他渠道的资助,但是他又没有说是什么样的渠道,随后他又问我有没有兴趣换个研究方向,去做experimental work,而我以前是搞计算的,当时申请KCL也是申请做计算研究的,所以以我个人猜测,是不是说做实验方向的会有一定的资助,就是他所说的other sourse?不过我实在无法读懂他所谓的other sourse是指什么,难不成让我自己解决?不是太理解,想给他回信也不知道从何问起,怕问的太直接了,到手的钱都没有了,各位帮忙揣测揣测,他到底是什么意思呢?谢了!
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