
5月15日左右,领馆来了一封信,说表已收到。5月20日又来了一封,竟然叫我去香港面试!!//faint……我还没有听说谁去加拿大使馆面试过,一时没了主张,四处询问都说跟美国类似,于是到Tsinghua bbs上找了18道问答,反复背诵。
9:30分,显示牌上亮出了我的号码,oh, 该是我上场的时候了。我给自己壮了壮胆,走进了面试房。

She first introduce herself then.....
She: what do u study in Canada?
Me: I am going to pursue my Master degree of engineering in internetworking in Canada.
She: oh….
Me: I think the network technology in Canada is advanced in the world.
She: so, you have been working for 2 years?
Me: yeah, I am working in XXX company, my duties have range from networking, technique support to software engineering…
She: I see, will you quit your job if you go to Canada.
Me: yeah, I will, and I will come back to China when I finish my study in Canada.
She: will you continue working in that company??
Me: maybe, maybe not, I think there are a lot of opportunities here in China, I hope to open my own network company If I can.
She: how much do u earn now?
Me: 4500 RMB a month.
She: how much is the tuition?
Me: less than 100,000RMB a year.
她使出最后一招:do u want to immigrant when finish your study?
Me: No, I have no interest in immigration, I don't want to be a foreigner, I believe that it is very difficult for a foreigner to own his own business. My goal is to own my own company, so I will come back to shenzhen when finish my study. And I think shenzhen is a good city, most advanced In China now, and many HongKongese want to live in shenzhen too!!!!
她被我逗乐了: ok, I will issue you the visa…….
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