
我收到了来自newcastle的通知书,但不确定是conditional还是un-conditional offer. 以下是它的主要内容:  I am pleased to confirm that your application to study at the University of Newcastle has been successful. I enclose details of your offer. The following is also information that you may find helpful at this stage. I look forward to welcoming you at the University. Meanwhile, please secure your place at the University by returning your acceptance slip (Annex A). 下面还有central university scholarships, accommodation and registration ,等等.上面还说把Annex A填好邮回去,那边就会自动回复一个certificate of acceptance.
问题是,newcastle原来已经用email给我邮了一份一样的offer, 我把里面的Annex A下载下来,同意接受offer并邮回去了,那边也发email确认收到了, 并说给我邮出来un-conditional offer. 但是我收到的还是这个东西.只是上面多了个研究生院的可能是院长的手写签名.

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