Looking for sharenate at spring hill in city. (Best for 2 girls or couple) City房

The Apartment located at Spring hill, and its very close to city and central station.(maybe 5"7min walk to city,3min walk to station.)

公寓地點是在spring, 非常靠近市中心跟central火車站. (大約五到七分鐘可以徒步到city, 3分鐘左右可以到火車站)

There are Woolworth , Domino Pizza, Seven-eleven , Korean Mart, etc near our apartment.(won't take u over than 5 min walk)

這有 Woolworth, Domno Pizza, 7-eleven , korean mart 等等 就在公寓附近 (不會超過5分鐘路程)

The apartment have Pool and Gym. 公寓有游泳池跟健身房.

All the fee include with electric ,water , furniture etc. 所有費用包括水電費家具等等...

Our internet provide with TPG ADSL2 . 我門的網路是TPG 的 ADSL2  (70GB)

We only rent the room for 2 girls or couple.(Must b tidy) 我門只把房間出給兩個女生或是情侶.(要整潔)

The Apartment name is "Tribeca". 公寓名為:Tribeca

The rent fee will be 270p/w.(each person 135p/w) 房租為270p/w (每人為135p/w)

Bond fee will be two week = $540 押金為兩週=$540

If you are interesting in it , pls contace this number :0432674986  or 0406947146

假如您對此感興趣, 請聯絡這個號碼 : 0432674986 或 0406947146

The Room will be available after June 8th.

房間開始出租從 六月八號.

It will be better for ppl who wanna live short term.

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