selling UQ MGTS1201 & ACCT1101 textbook!!

本帖最后由 Chloe.huiyii 于 2012-7-23 00:39 编辑

MGTS1201 - Experiencing MIS 2th Edition. by David Kroenke. bought new last semester. Excellent condition!! include myMISlab and all lectures notes!!  $95

ACCT1101 - old version. selling at $25!!

email me: [email protected]
selling UQ textbook :)
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ACCT2101 textbook is sold.
Selling MGTS1201 textbook!!!!! :)
MGTS 1201 - $95
ACCT 1101 - $25
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MGTS1201 - Experiencing MIS 2th Edition. by David Kroenke. bought new last semester. Excellent condition!! include myMISlab and all lectures notes!!  $95
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