
1. 我现在即将毕业去加拿大做博后,我在西安上学家在上海,我想在毕业后回上海办理签证,我是否可以在西安先办好护照,然后等户口转到上海后在上海领事馆办理签证?
2. 我在网上看到上海办博士后工作签证和北京办的要求提交的材料内容不同,北京办需要提供如下材料,上海办的没有提出要提交这些材料的要求:
A one-page research proposal outlining:
- brief description of research to be undertaken in Canada;
- the goals of research its relationship to applicant’s academic pursuits in China
- how applicant was chosen;
- what funding applicant will be receiving.
Proof of funding (or scholarship) letter
Copies of all relevant university degrees and certificates
Detailed letter of invitation specifying:
- position that applicant will occupy;
- expected duration of employment;
- remuneration or funding provided by inviter (if any);
- the nature of research to be undertaken;
- details of how applicant’s research will be supervised;
- details regarding the project’s Canadian funding;
- details of how and why the applicant was chosen.
3. 我回上海办签证时由于已经离开学校,签证材料中所需提供的“所在单位出据的证明函原件,说明你目前的职务、职责、收入及福利,并注明单位的地址和电话号码”,是否还是应该由我现在所在的学校开出。
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