刚从IELTS 官网看到,IELTS从今年7月1日开始,写作和口语的部分也将开始有半分成绩的评定~~也就是说不再像以前那样只有单分,总算能出现7.5或6.5的写作和口语分数了!
Half Band Scores
From 1 July 2007, we’re making a small but important change which will make IELTS Band Scores more informative. Scores for each part of the test will still be reported on the scale from 1 to 9, but now the Writing and Speaking modules will be reported in whole or half-band in the same way as the Reading and Listening modules.This will allow Recognising Institutions to specify their requirements in more detail.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-7 23:34:57编辑过] |