



以下是Anita的反馈原文,希望可以对其他的求职者有所帮助。 请忽略她原文中的语法错误。
From: Anita ****** [[url=mailto:a*****[email protected]]mailto:a*****[email protected][/url]]
Sent: Monday, 26 June 2017 11:52 AM
[email protected]
Subject: Re: Congratulations on your new position - Platinum ProfessionalTraining (RTO)
Hi Tyna,
I hope this emailfinds you fine.
Here is myexperience with Platinum, job hunting and in interviews that I had.
   "I have successfully landed a position of AccountsPayable and Payroll in a large size company last week, and I would like tothank Platinum Professional Training for the professional training and thesupport that they provided me during the past months.
I had almost 10 years of experience including administration,accounting, finance and logistics mainly in international companies overseas,and 2 years of experience in Australia. I have been hunting jobs in accountingfor a while but I was not successful. One of the reasons was that my resume wasnot being picked due to a lack of adequate accounting skill. I am glad that allmy efforts in gaining experience during these years, the advanced academiceducation I completed and the practical accounting training that I received inPlatinum Accounting were paid off eventually. I will still continue my trainingwith Platinum Accounting, as I believe it will help me to stay updated,increase my problem-solving skill and be engaged with various tasks inaccounting.
Here is my interview experience that I would like to share.
In my firstinterview, the interviewer examined my resume in details. In other words, I wasquestioned about each and every position and task that were written in my CV.

Here is a list ofother questions that I can remember during my 3 rounds of interviews."

·     Tell me aboutyourself?
·     What kind ofperson you are?
·     Tell me about thetime when you faced with a situation that a sudden change occurred in your jobprocess and your job position requirements changed?
·     How will you dealwith a person at your workplace who is refusing to give you the informationthat you need to complete a task in your job?
·     On which basiswere you doing payroll in Platinum Accounting?
·     What do you knowabout our accounting system?
·     What do you do inyour fee time?
I hope this helpscandidates.

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