本帖最后由 mayingangela 于 2011-10-16 17:50 编辑
地址: 79 Queen Street, Southport, 4215.
小房间: 125/周 中房间: 135/周
包水电,网(180GB) 楼下有游泳池 BBQ
地理位置: 2分钟可到Southport 图书馆,篮球场; 5分钟可到BUS Stop, Australia Fair
$125 per week with fully furnished for small room
$135 per week with fully furnished for middle room
Include: Electric Bill, Internet Bill (180GB)
2 minutes to Southport Library
2 minutes to Basketball Court
3 minutes to Bus Station
5minutes to Australia Fair
5 minutes to Office Work
Please call: 0425637795--Rita; 0425402277--Nicole如有意向者,可看房,价格可面谈。