本帖最后由 Platinumaccg 于 17-10-2015 02:32 PM 编辑
CA会计师事务所中级会计师职位成功案例 – Liang
案例提要: 1. 2.5年本地会计事务所的工作经验,半年空窗期找寻工作无果 2. 加入白金实习项目,2周后求职方面开始获得面试邀请
结果: Liang在加入白金项目一个月后获得了CA会计事务所中级会计师职位 总结:Liang是本地阿德莱德大学会计毕业生,已有了2年半在一家本地会计师事务所的工作经验,可是随后半年找工作无果。直到加入了白金会计实习项目,获得了由我们专业人士提供的建议修改了简历,了解了面试的要点,2周后就开始获得面试邀请。 仅仅加入白金1个月,就获得了一份CA事务所的中级会计师职位。
Hello Scarlet,
I am thrilled to inform you that I havesuccessfully secured an intermediate accountant position in a boutiqueaccounting firm! The job hunting experience was a lonely and mentally punishingjourney (I have already sent more than 100 job applications since December2014), until I have joined Platinum Accounting :-)
With Platinum Accounting, I am able to have amore complete image of accounting process such as AR, AP, Cost Centre Reportingetc, so it helped me to understand what the employers are looking for andtherefore have myself more prepared in interviews. Apart from there, being ableto complete internship tasks together with other interns has gained me a widerrange of knowledge and confidence in demonstrating teamwork skills to theinterviewers.
I think the rule of thumb in the job huntingis "perseverance" and constantly seeking for improvement. The 'entryticket to an interview' resume and cover letter supports provided by PlatinumAccounting are phenomenal and very practical, especially the referee support,which is important in helping the job seeker in gaining that "slightlystanding out of the crowd". In terms of the interview, the interviewquestions shared by Platinum Accounting are very helpful, especially questionsabout personality related topics, I was trying to be truthful and show how Ican blend into the company's culture (research the company thoroughly) duringthe interview.
There are also a several ways that I haveapplied to improve my interview skills: - I walked in local accounting firms door todoor to drop my resume, and make a short pitch in front of the receptionists orpotential recruiters (I have actually earned one interview with a mid tier firmby using this approach!) - Write your own pitch and practice it infront of the mirror 'again and again', it helps! - Talk to others who have interview experienceand secured the jobs, learn from them. - I am lucky to be a member of a publicspeaking club (Toastmaster), it certainly helps! I know not being successful in an interview isdiscouraging, but it gain us experience in doing a better interview in anyupcoming interviews, so never give up!!
The questions I was being asked in theinterviews are as follows: Behavioral Questions - Tell us about yourself: I would recommendtaking initiative in introducing yourself before they try to ask you this questionat the beginning, prepare a stunning pitch! (I include my work experience,qualification, extracurricular, personality and conclude with a statementexplaining why you want to work in that company, and don't take more than 1minute if possible) - Why do you want to work here? If you havealready make your pitch and they still ask this question, add the othercontents you heard in the discussions and slightly vary your pitch to matchtheir value - Do you have any questions? I am very weak inthis question, try ask a good question so you make them trying to get back toyou to tell you you are hired :-D - Tell us how you can see yourself in 3 orwhat ever number of years time they asked? In this question, I set myself a 6months plan and a 5 years plan, and explain why my plan is like so. Set a fewversions to suit different type of companies (Commercial, public practicing,small, mid or large sized firms etc)
Technical Questions: The technical questions Iencountered weren't as many as I expected but they were quite challenging! - Describe to us how you attend to a specificduties? FBT, Division 7a, Tax Return, Balance Sheet, BAS or any areas mentionedin the job advertisements - Tell us how much do you know about aspecific software? Excel, MYOB etc
Last but not least, trying to extend networkand constantly taking a step further such as building rapport with professionalrecruitment agents and other working class friends can also increase chances ofwinning interviews, try to think outside the box and really do it, and keeptrying (feel the fear and just do it anyway).
I wish everyone all the best in job huntingand can't wait to learn your success stories very soon.
Once again, thank you very much PlatinumAccounting! Special thanks to Scarlet, Michelle, Peter and all the peers!!
Best regards, Liang
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any enquiry, please feel free to contact us!
PlatinumAccounting Team 白金会计服务团队 阿德莱德办公室:Suite 717-718, 38Gawler Place Adelaide, SA 5000, Tel: 08 8123 0933, 0422 992 530