selling commerce book, marketing study materials from UNISA

1Companyand partnership law (COML2005)  $100 (including text book and corporations act book)

Harris,J, Hargovan, A & Adams, M 2013, Australian Corporate Law, 4th edn,LexisNexis Butterworths, Australia
Austn, R.P& Black, A.J 2013, Austin and Black's Annotation to the Corporations Act,2013 edition, LexisNexis Butterworths, Australia
2 MarketAnalysis (MARK 2010) $15
Test of each week and other studying materials
3   Buyer and Consumer Behaviour (MARK 1008) $10
Two test plus other studying materials (lecture notes, revision,recording etc.)
4 Management accounting (ACCT 2006) $50 (including studying materials recordings etc)
Horngren, C, Datar S, Rajan, M, Wydner, M,Maguire, W & Tan, R 2014, Cost accounting a managerial emphasis, 2ndAustralian edn, Pearson Education Australia, Australia
Contact details : 0415743768
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