本帖最后由 aassaassdd 于 2012-8-11 15:17 编辑
Derivativesand Securities Markets
Valentine,T, Ford,G, O'Hara,L, Sundmacher,M, 2011, Financial Markets and Institutions in Australia, SecondEdition, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest, Australia.
Financial Planning 9.9成新
Beal D and McKeown W2009, Personal Finance, 4th edn, John Wiley& Sons, Brisbane.
International Currency and Banking Markets
International Finance, 2nd edition,Irwin/McGraw-Hill
Japanese 1A 9.99999成新
Tohsaku, Y, 2006, Yookoso! An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill. l.
Accounting 7th ed, John Hoggett… [et al.]。
Macroeconomics,Jackson & Mclver,8th —(3册), 9.99999成新。
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