本帖最后由 zixinxueer 于 2010-12-9 16:33 编辑
朋友回国 帮她发些小东西卖卖
CITY 交易 直接致电 (0430815233)或者收英文短信
电饭煲 25刀
风扇2台 1台8刀 2台15刀
project management - achieving competitive advantage, author: Pinto, JF 2010, 2nd edition, publisher: pearson international edition - this is master course de, the others are bachelor degree,good condition。 55刀
management information systems-managing the digital firm, author: Laudon, KC & Laudon, JP, 10th edition, 2006, publisher: pearson international edition 20刀
introduction to law, author: cassandra McCreadie, publisher: oxford university press。 20刀
economic principles & study guide to accompany, 2nd edition, author: Jackson, J & McIver R & Bajada C, 2009, publisher: McGraw-Hill
goog condition。 55刀