
2分钟到shopping center,bus站,图书馆。j1. j2...720十五分钟一班,10分钟到唐人街,10-15分钟到阿大,南澳大学。社区中心,安静,安全。交通,购物,生活方便。
$120/周,包水电煤网,家具电器齐全。网络200G。即日可入住。另两个房间住两个阿大女生。有意看房请call:0422 182 527 或加qq:917 667 406 看图片或详谈。
How long can I rent?
I don't have QQ. Can you send picture for me ?
bang ding...........
2 minutes to walk to WoolWorths, post office, bus stop. very convenient to transport and shopping. up......up......up......
juexu diang shang
My room is located on 107 grote street just behind the china town. It is fully funitured, sharing apartment with 2 Asian girls and 1 Asian boy, most of them are studying in university.

My room has own bathroom with sharing television, microwave, washing machine, drying machine and kitchen etc. It is very clean and tidy, especially the toilet plus convenience location which is only $150 per week for single including water bill.

If anyone is interested for lease, my room is available now. If you want to contact me, please call my mobile 0431808908. My name is called Fun, female, can speek Mandarin, Cantonese and English.

***I am welcome for inspection***

>>>Please contact me as soon as possible!!

Don't miss out!!!!!
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