[Brisbane] 因回國 平價出售 Honda Accord Sedan V6 Auto 車況優 歡迎試駕

For sell Honda Accord Sedan V6 Auto
因回國 平價出售  Honda Accord Sedan V6 Auto 車況優 歡迎試駕

Price 價格:5,800
Brand name 車款:Honda
Model 車型:Accord V6 Auto
Year 年份:2006
Kilometer 里程數:142,000
Register plate no. 車牌:091-VTW
Air-conditioning 空調:Double zone thermostatic air condition 雙區恆溫空調
Color 顏色:紅色 Red
Displacement 排氣量:3.0
Window 窗戶:Automatic 自動
Gear 排檔:Automatic 自動
Regular warranty 有定期保養
External:GPS/ Bluetooth
      外置:GPS/ 藍牙
RWC:Yes(not include transfer fee)有(但不含過戶費)
Petrol 油:91
Spare wheel 附後備胎 X 1
Location of test drive 試車地點:sunnybank Hills

The car is mainly used for traveling to workplace.  Not much of long distance traveling.

If interest, please feel free to contact 0402 819 104 to test drive.
有意者可聯絡 0402 819 104 試車

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