
各位XDJM,在赴美看男友加旅游费用承担的问题上有些纠结。男朋友在邀请信上这样写的:I will bear all responsibilities including, but not limited to, financial responsibilities, return air ticket fare to travel from China to USA and back, travel expense within USA, medical insurance, housing and food.但在坛里看到大家提议最好赴美由自己承担费用,我自己也有工作,经济上也可以承担,在职证明上单位写的是:She plans to visit USA from Jan 24 2012 to Feb 4 2012.
All the costs of her visits will be paid by herself. 如果完全写自己承担,会不会感觉我和男友的感情不深?去美他都不负担?如果写男友承担,会不会又被认为我自己经济能力较差?最好不要用美国的钱?另外,在职证明和男友邀请信,以及面签时,VO问我此问题,是不是全部要一致?我这种情况,是写男友承担还是自己独自承担,还是我们共同承担好?多谢多谢。
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