上午被拒签 留学签证F-1 请A大和各位帮忙指正

我去的是一所教会大学 因为跟我现在的学校是合作性学校的关系 所以我的大部分学分可以转到这所教会大学 我到了那边是大二学生念2年半的课程 拿到本科学历。
本人专业是护理 算是和敏感专业擦边的吧。。
ME: Hi, sir
VO(无表情): Why do you want to go to America?
ME: Because I want to obtain a BS degree of Nursing in *** university and I'm interested in American Nursing
VO: Why you choose this university?
ME: Because this school has the cooperation relationship with my school, all my credits could be transferred there
VO: What's the name of your school?
ME: ******(这边有点紧张,但是还是说的很顺畅,缺了眼神交流)
VO: What your job will be
ME: I will come back to china and seek a position of nursing educator
VO: Do you have any family or friends in America?
VO: How many school you applied for?
ME: I only applied for this one( 还比了一个一的手势)
VO: Why only this one?
ME: so I don't have to study four years to get my degree because the cooperation ship they have
VO: Do you have any documents to show me that cooperation relationship?
ME: Yes( 拿出入学通知书,上面写了我是transfer student)
VO在认真地看 我问了句 Would you like to see my diploma? 他没理我
全程英文交流没有问题  想知道无法通过的原因是什么。。毕竟我得到的问题其实还是蛮多的。。肯定是自己没有好好利用机会。。:'(: :'(:  不过这个上午没过的学生签证好多
会不会跟去的窗口也有关系。。我去的这个小哥 从头到尾没有笑脸的 旁边两个金发小子和美女 都一直微笑。。
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