
原文节选如下:(OG第二版阅读Practice Set 5,P82)
The first generation to experience these changes did not adopt the new attitudes easily. The factory clock became the symbol of the new work rules. One mill worker who finally quit complained revealingly about "obedience to the ding-dong of the bell--just as though we are so many living machines." With the loss of personal freedom also came the loss of standing in the community. Unlike artisan workshops in which apprentices worked closely with the masters supervising them, factories sharply separated workers from management. Few workers rose through the ranks to supervisory positions, and even fewer could achieve the artisan's dream of setting up one's own business. Even well-paid sensed their decline in status.
5.All of the following are mentioned in paragraph 4 as consequences of the new system for workers EXCEPT a loss of
status in the community
opportunities for advancement
contact among workers who were not managers
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