
大虫,我前几天给PSU我一直想跟的教授写信询问他是否明年带研究生,他的回信是这个样子的,我已经确定要申请PSU的PHD in marketing 了。
申请PSU需要先提交preliminary application,我已经收到初步申请结果,被允许可以提交正式申请了。
但是有一个问题:我收到PSU的邮件,说他们更喜欢GMAT,虽然也可以接受GRE. 而我只有GRE成绩,(610/790/760)笔考,这个会不会影响我对PHD in marketing 的申请?

Yes, there is still time to apply for our PhD program for fall 2004. Please contact Professor Hans Baumgartner, our PhD coordinator for further information. The admission process for our PhD program is very competitive. If you are admitted, for the first two years, you will be taking PhD courses. During that time, you will be assigned as Research Assistant to several different professors, but the department will make every effort to match you up with a faculty member who shares your research interest., Once you complete all the requirements (Comprehensive exam, Candidacy), then you can choose to work with any faculty member, including me, by mutual agreement.
Hope this answers your question.
.Arvind Rangaswamy

ywang wrote:
>Hi, Prof. Rangaswamy,
> This is Wang Yanan, Ellen, Year 2 Mphil. student in marketing from
>Lingnan University, HK.
> I just want to make sure whether you will accept and supervise PHD
>student for Fall, 2004.
> PSU is my first choice for PHD study, mostly because you are in the
>Marketing Department, doing research that attracts me the most. Since my current
>research is also on online customer behavior, with your papers as my main
>reference, i do want to apply to be your PHD student in PSU.
> If you do accept PHD for Fall, 2004, i will prepare my application
>package to PSU a.s.a.p; if you don't, i will re-consider whether i should
>choose PSU.
> Looking forward to your kindly reply.
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