
Personal Statements for Law School
Your personal statement is an opportunity to highlight your writing ability, unique personality, and diversity of experience. Think of it as a written interview during which you get to choose the question. What one thing do you wish the admissions evaluators knew about you?
DO: 应该
o Discuss possible topics with your pre-law advisor (or someone else) before you invest a lot of time in writing. 在写作之前先谈谈
o Choose a narrow topic. Offer details about a small topic rather than generalities about a broad topic. Focus on a concrete experience (or two) and the impact it has had upon you.选择一个小的话题,谈细节,而不是夸夸其谈
o Be yourself. Do not tell law schools what you think they want to hear -- tell them the truth.写出个性
o Pay special attention to your first paragraph. It should immediately grab a reader's attention. Reviewers are pressed for time and may not read past an uninteresting opener. 注意第一段,应该吸引读者的注意力
o Keep it interesting. Write with energy and use active voice. You do not have to explain how your experience relates to your desire to attend law school. Tell a story. Paint a vivid picture. The most interesting personal statements create visuals for the reader. 文章应该有趣
o Keep it simple and brief. Big words do not denote big minds, just big egos. Choose your words with economy and clarity in mind, and remember that your reader has a huge stack of these papers. A personal statement generally should be 2 to 3 double-spaced pages.应该简短,大话并非大智慧
o Proofread. Ask several people to proofread your essay. Grammatical or mechanical errors are inexcusable. 反复修改
o Include information from your background that sets you apart. If your ethnicity, family, religion, socioeconomic background, or any similar factor may motivate you to succeed in law school, be sure to highlight it. This can be done in the personal statement itself or in a separate diversity statement. If you are writing a personal statement and a diversity statement, make sure the two essays address different topics.
o Consider your audience. Most admissions evaluators are professors, third-year law students, or admissions professionals not far out of law school. Therefore, you want to come across as an attentive student, interesting classmate, and accomplished person. Again, consider what you most want them to know, beyond the information provided in the rest of your application.设身处地地为你的读者考虑,大多数阅读的人是招生委员会的人,三年级的学生或者其他教授
o Read the application carefully. Most law schools allow you to choose a topic, but some will require you to address a specific question. Follow whatever instructions are provided.仔细阅读说明
DO NOT:应该避免的事情
o Do not play a role, especially that of a lawyer or judge, and stay away from legal concepts and jargon. You run the risk of misusing them, and even if you use them properly, legal language may make you appear pompous. 不要自以为是,华而不实并不好
o Do not tell your life story in chronological order or merely re-state your resume. Further, resist the urge to tie together all of your life experiences. The essays that try to say too much end up saying nothing at all. 不要按照年月日顺序讲述你的生活,或者只是简单地重复你的简历
o Do not become a cliché. Although you might really want to "save the world," or perhaps your "study abroad experience transformed the way you look at the world," these topics are overused. Before writing your essay, consider how your story is unique and highlight your individuality. 不要陈词滥调,不要写出国留学改变你世界观之类的空话
o Do not use a personal statement to explain discrepancies in your application. If your academic record is weak in comparison to your LSAT scores, or vice versa, address that issue in an addendum. Emphasize the positive in the personal statement. 不要利用ps为你的劣势解释,你可以选择在不同的附件中解释。注意,有的学校同意在ps中解释自己的劣势。
o Do not offend your reader. Lawyers rarely shy away from controversial topics, but you should think twice before advocating a controversial review. You do not want to appear to be close-minded. 不要冒犯你的读者,不要鼓吹一个引发争议的话题。
o If you are in the bottom of an applicant pool, do not play it safe. You have nothing to lose by making a novel statement.应该创新

Communication, Culture & Technology Program
What makes a good personal statement? 什么是好的个人陈述
The personal statement should explain why CCT is a good fit for your academic interests, and what you will contribute to the CCT community. Be yourself, and be brief (500 words).
What sort of academic writing sample is CCT looking for?
The academic writing sample should demonstrate your ability to conduct scholarly research, preferably on a topic relevant to the CCT Program. A research paper, an undergraduate term paper or thesis project, or a substantial article or conference paper, is highly desirable. Writing samples should be 10 to 25 pages long. Applicants who have been out of school for a while and do not feel that their previous academic writing best represents their current abilities may choose to submit something written in a professional context. It is very important, however, that a writing sample from a professional context demonstrate an applicant's analytical ability.
May I have employers provide recommendations rather than professors?
At least two of the three letters of recommendation should be from academic sources (former professors or advisors). If you have been out of school for five or more years, and you experience difficulty contacting your former professors, you may submit recommendations from employers. Please make clear to them that letters of recommendation that speak to your analytical abilities and capacity to undertake graduate-level work are more influential than letters attesting to your performance and congenial demeanor in a employment context.
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