本帖最后由 sabrinalee518 于 2013-4-7 18:18 编辑
有没有人说过你的英文口音很难听吗? 想提高英文或找工作或学澳洲文化吗? 我是ABC女生,上了北京大学一年学中文和金融。 服务: 改文章、简历、Cover letter、功课 IELTS preparation 英文口语 面试练习 经验: 在UQ的ICTE教了口语三年 教了小孩和大学学生 改了很多文章 在北京和布利斯班 教了盲人口语(双井,北京) 普华永道和毕马威实习 Esprit衣服 Marketing and events intern in Brisbane 我也做二十几个面试! 价格:$25/hour 一对一 $15/hour 2-3人 改文章:$30/500字 nomoremafan@gmail。com 0439830098
Job process-- Application>testing>phoneinterview> assessment centre Example of application testing: From a life and / or work experience inthe previous 24 months, tell us about a goal that you have set yourself andworked towards that you feel truly proud or satisfied of? What personalstrengths or skills did you draw upon to achieve this goal? What did you learnabout yourself in the process and how would you go about applying this to youyour work at PwC?(1000 characters including spaces) From a life and / or work experience inthe previous 24 months, tell us about a time when you have held significantresponsibility. What initiatives or ideas did you promote while in thisposition? What impact did they have? (1000 characters including spaces) |