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Section One:
About you:
1. Age
a. 20-25            b. 26-30          c. 31 and above
Answer:(   )
2. Have you ever been in paid work?
  a. Yes                      b. No                   Answer:(   )
  If yes, for how long have you worked in total?
a. less than 1 year      b. 1-3 years        c. above 3 years
Answer:(   )
3. How long have you been in the UK in total?
a. less than 1 year     b. 1-3 years    c. above 3 years
Answer:(   )
4. What programme are you studying for?
  a. Masters            b. PhD            c. other
Answer:(   )
5. Please specify your discipline:

Section Two:
1.        Why are you studying abroad (please list  all that apply and rank the top 3)?
a.        For the degree
b.        To experience a new life style
c.        To experience a new learning environment
d.        To have access to superior academic resources
e.        Because many of friends are studying abroad
f.        Expectations of my family
g.        To travel
h.        Other, please specify:(   )
Answers:(   )
Top 1. (   )   2. (   )   3. (   )

2.        Why did you choose to study in the UK instead of another country? (please list all that apply and rank the top 3)
a.        Selected by parents                        
b.        Because of short studying period (one year for Master)
c.        To experience the culture difference
d.        For better education quality
e.        To improve English language skill
f.        To improve international competence
g.        Other, please specify: (    )
Answers:(    )
Top 1.  (    )    2. (    )    3. (    )

3.        Which criteria did you use to select the university you are currently attending? (please list all that apply and rank the top 3)
a. Degree officially recognized in China
b. Financial Times ranking
c. Ranking by other organizations
d. Geographic location
e. Reputation of university
f. Fee level
g. Personal experience of friends and acquaintances
h. Quality of accommodation
i. Living costs
j. other, please specify: (    )
Answers:(    )
Top 1. (    )     2. (    )    3. (    )

4.        Which criteria did you use to select your subject of study? (please list all that apply and rank the top 3)
a.        Career prospects
b.        Closely related with past study
c.        Selected by others (e.g. employer, parents etc)
d.        Financial Times ranking
e.        Ranking by other organizations
f.        Other, please specify: (    )
Answers:(    )
Top 1. (    )      2. (    )     3. (    )

5.        How are you paying for your course? (please list all that apply and rank the top 3)
a.        Given money by parents or relatives
b.        Borrowed money from parents or relatives
c.        Borrowed money from friends
d.        Own savings
e.        Bank loan
f.        Employer is paying
g.        Public funding (government or government agencies)
h.        Funding from a UK university
i.        Other, please specify: (    )
Answers:(    )
Top 1. (    )     2. (    )     3. (    )

6.        How satisfied are you with the course you have bought? (Please choose)
a.        Very satisfied
b.        Slightly satisfied
c.        Just so so
d.        Slightly unsatisfied
e.        Very unsatisfied
Answer:(    )

7.        What do you plan doing when you complete your degree in UK? (Please list all that apply)
a.        Go back to China immediately
b.        Do some traveling before returning to China
c.        Work in the UK for some time before returning to China
d.        Work abroad elsewhere than the UK before returning to China
e.        Work permanently abroad (not in the UK)
f.        Work permanently in the UK
g.        Embark on further study in the UK
Answer:(    )

8.        Do you have any comments?

9.        Would you like to leave your contact information?
Email address:
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