
1.Please give your education history - dates of study, where you studied and qualifications obtained. 请填写您的教育背景资料 – 学习时间、就学地点以及取得的学历文凭。
1996.9 ~ 2000.7   Law School, ******** University, Beijing, China          Bachelor of Laws
1998.9 ~ 2000.7   China Centre for Economic Research, ******** University, Beijing
                             Bachelor of Economics
2.Have there been any gaps in time between your last period of study and now? If so, please specify exactly what you have been doing in that time? 您最近一次的学习距今是否有间隔?如果是,请具体描述您在那段期间所做的事情。
After graduation, in July 2000, I joined “********”, a leading law firm in Beijing. During the first two years at ********, being a legal assistant, I did a great deal of legal research and document drafting to support Mr. ********, the Chief Partner of the Litigation and Arbitration Department of ********. In the following two years, my role in ******** changed into a more comprehensive way. Besides assisting Mr. Zhang in large and important cases, I started to represent clients independently and appear in court by myself.
3.What documents have you provided to demonstrate what you have been doing during this gap in your studies (if applicable)? 您提供了什么材料来证明您在学习的间隔期间里所做的事情?
1. Working and Income Certificate;
2. Support Letter of Mr. ********, the Chief Partner of ******** Litigation and Arbitration Department;
3. People’s Republic of China Lawyer’s Licence, issued by the Ministry of Justice;
4. People’s Republic of China Certificate of Qualification for Legal Professions, issued by the Ministry of Justice.
4. Why did you select your proposed course and how did you find out about it? 您为什么选择您计划的课程?您是如何了解到有关它的情况的?
The LLM programme is suitable for those who have pursued a legal career, for example, practicing lawyers like me. And the LLM programme of King’s College London (“KCL”) offer a wide range of subjects taught to the highest level. Many of my colleagues at ******** had studied LLM in the UK or the US. They told me that it was a very good course for those who do not have a master degree but have a lawyer’s licence. So I started to find more information of this programme on the Internet, and decided to apply for the LLM course of KCL.
5. Have you studied any relevant courses, if so what? What documents have you produced to demonstrate this? 您是否曾进行过任何相关课程的学习?如果有,是什么课程?您提供了哪些文件来证明这一点?
I have studied LLB in ******** University from September 1996 to June 2000.
I provide my Certificate of Degree and Certified Transcript to demonstrate this fact.
6. How is your proposed course structured and what subjects will you follow on the course? 您计划就读的课程是如何设置安排的?您都将学习哪些科目?
Four colleges of the University of London, including KCL, combine to provide the London intercollegiate LLM degree. A full-time student should take four subjects (or their equivalent in half-subjects) over one academic year.
My provisional choice of four LLM subjects is as follows.
1. Principles and Techniques of International Commercial Arbitration;
2. Individual Employment Law;
3. International Business Transactions I: Litigation;
4. Industrial and Intellectual Property.
7. What specific benefits will this course bring you? 您通过学习这个课程将取得哪些特殊收益?
(1). Better English writing and speaking ability
Through studying LLM programme in the UK, I have plenty of opportunities to read, listen, write and speak English, because all the subjects are taught in English, all the homework should be finished in English and all the essays should be written in English. I believe when I obtain this degree, my English proficiency will be greatly improved and I can serve my clients better.
(2). An international background that can provide me with better promotion opportunity at ********
As I mentioned above, most of my colleagues, especially the senior associates and partners at ********, had studied law in the UK or US. So if I obtain a master degree in the UK, it will greatly increase the possibilities of my promotion.
(3). A primary overview and basic knowledge of the Common Law.
Through my work, I came to realize that the Common Law, with its emphasis on the independence of the court and its great vitality due to flexibility and the effective approach of case law, is especially instrumental for the legal reform undertaken in China, whose legal system is based on the Civil Law. Nowadays, Chinese courts attach more and more weight to the legal precedent. Therefore, I am eager to have an opportunity to study the UK law, and the LLM programme at KCL will provide a primary overview of Common Law to me.
(4). A general perspective of the European culture
London is one of the most exciting and stimulating cities in Europe. Located in the heart of London, KCL is only within a short distance from Europe’s financial and cultural centers. I surely will take this advantage and spend some of my spare time at the public museums and other famous buildings in London. During college vocations, I intend to travel to some other European Countries with my husband, who plans to study MSc. in Finance and Economics at LSE in the 2004-2005 session. If it is possible, we would like to travel to Italy, France and Spain.
(5). An opportunity to know many different people with different background
First, the LLM degree is designed to meet the diverse needs of its students, people of various ages and from a wide range of background. Most of them were working in the legal field before attending this course or will enter the legal professions after their graduation. So making acquaintance with my classmates in this course will broaden my social circle and help me with my career development.
Second, the student community at KCL is internationally diversified, with students from more than one hundred countries. Studying with people from different cultures will deepen my understanding of the world as a whole.
8. Why have you chosen to study abroad? How does this course differ from similar courses available in China? 您为什么选择出国留学?这个课程与中国的类似课程有何区别?
Because studying abroad can bring me some special benefits as I mentioned in the above question. The course I plan to study is different from similar courses available in China at the following aspects:
(1) Period
It takes a student 2 or 3 years to obtain a master degree in China but only one year in the UK.
(2) Admission Procedure
To be admitted as a postgraduate student by a Chinese law school, you have to attend an extremely competitive entrance exam, which can takes you several months to prepare. As a legal practitioner, I have very tight work schedules, which make it nearly impossible for me to spend such a long time to prepare for the exam.
The LLM programme in the UK, however, does not require its applicant to attend any academic exam. It only ask the applicants submit relevant documents to prove that they have a good bachelor degree and a good command of English. Therefore, I think pursuing a LLM degree in the UK is more suitable for me.
(3) Course structure
The master degree of law in Chinese law schools requires its student to select a specific field of learning, such as commercial law, intellectual property and criminal law. Different from this kind of compulsory grouping policy, law schools in the UK allow their students to choose four subjects they are interested in and award a generic LLM degree to them when the course is completed.
(4) Taught Language
The master degree in Chinese law schools is taught in Chinese; the master degree in British law school is taught in English.
(5) Value of the degree
In the legal professions of China, a master degree of a UK college can bring better employment opportunities. Consequently, in most cases, the average salary of a graduate student coming back from the UK is higher than a graduate student of a Chinese college.
9. Do you have relatives who have studied/are studying overseas? If so, please state where, what they are doing now and how they were funded? 您是否有亲属曾经/正在国外学习?如果有,请指出其就学地点,他们现正在从事什么工作?以及他们的留学费用是如何支付的?
My husband’s brother is now studying in the University of ******, a university in the United States. He is now pursuing a PH. D. of Biology in the third year. His tuition and living cost are funded by the scholarship awarded by his university.
10. Please state the cost of your course per annum, the cost of your accommodation per annum, and living expenses per annum. Then, taking that into account, what will your total expenses be for the duration of your course? 请列出您课程每年的学费、住宿费以及生活费。然后,计算出您在此期间内课程所需的全部费用?
The tuition fee for the LLM course at KCL is £10,140. The tuition fee for my husband’s course (MSc in Finance and Economics) at LSE is £13,500, and the tuition fee for his summer school course, the Advanced Econometrics, is £1300(already paid).The living costs for couples are: £15,542. The total costs for us are: £39,182.
11. What documents are you submitting from your proposed college to show how much your fees and living expenses will be? 您提供了哪些文件来证明您计划就读院校所需的学费和生活费金额?
The original offer of KCL and the attached Financial Information for Students.
The original offer of enrolment from the LSE.
12. Who is your sponsor? How are you related to him/her? What is their occupation? What is their annual income? How many people are they financially responsible for? 谁是您的担保人?您和他/她是什么关系?他们是从事什么工作的?他们的年薪收入是多少?他们要在经济上对多少人担负责任?
Our sponsors are Mr. ********, Ms. ********  Mr. ******** and Ms. ******** are my parents.
Mr. ******** is a professor of the Department of History, ******** University. His annual income is RMB 125,000. He is financially responsible for his wife, Ms. ********.Ms. ******** is a retired employee of ******** University. Her present average annual income is RMB 21,924.
13.What documents are you submitting to show that your sponsor can afford to pay for your studies and living expenses in the UK? 您提供了哪些文件来证明您的担保人能支付您在英国的学习和生活费用?
Letter of supporting of Mr. ******** and Ms. ********.
Income and working Certificate of Mr. ******** and Ms. ********.
Supporting letter of Mr. ********.Income and working Certificate of Mr. ******** and his personal income tax payment certificate.
14. What documents are you submitting to show how this money has been saved? 您提供了什么文件来证明这些资金是如何积蓄起来的?
******** and ********’s bank books;
Mr. ********’s wife, Ms. ********’s bank books and interest lists of term deposits;
Mr. ********’s credit card (refer to salary) statements;
Ms. ********’s stock account journal;
Income and working Certificate of Mr. ********.
Certificate of the disbursement of Mr. ********’s annual bonus by ******.
15. Is English your first language?英语是不是您的第一语言?
No, English is not my first language.
16. If not, what qualifications do you have in English proficiency? If you have no such qualifications, please explain why not. 如果不是,您在英语熟练程度方面是否有资格证书?如果您没有任何资格证书,请解释原因。
I took TOFEL in October 2003 and my score is 650.
17.What documents are you submitting to demonstrate these qualifications? 您提供了哪些材料来证明您拥有这些资格证书?
My TOFEL score record
18. Please specify exactly what you intend to do on completion of your proposed studies in the UK?请具体说明当您完成在英国所读课程后的下一步打算?
After completing my graduate study, I will come back to China and rejoin ********. My plans in the following years are:
1. Being promoted to a senior lawyer whose annual income ranges from RMB250, 000 to RMB350, 000 in two years;
2. Becoming a junior partner whose annual income is more than RMB500, 000 in four or five years;
3. Having a baby with my husband before the year of 2007.
19. Have you ever been refused a student visa to any other country? If so, why? 您是否曾被任何其他国家拒签过?如果是,为什么?
No, I have not been refused a student visa to any other country.
20.Are you married? Do you have children? What brothers and sisters do you have? What are their ages? Where are they? What do they do?您结婚了吗?有孩子吗?您有什么兄弟姐妹?他们的年龄?他们现在何处?他们是从事什么工作的?
I am married. My husband is 26 years old. He is working as a Customer Manager at the head office of the ********l Bank of China in Beijing. He is planning to study the MSc. in Finance and Economic at LES and applying for a student visa at this moment when I am doing the same.
We do not have children.
I have a sister who is 31 years old. She is working in an advertisement company in Beijing.
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