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Saturday, 23 Feb 联邦政府称,由于已经有明确证据显示,“不遵纪守法的雇主”滥用457签证项目获取廉价劳动力,导致澳洲本地的技工遭排斥,因此政府打算收紧这一签证项目。这一新政将使数千名廉价外国劳工被关在澳洲大门外。
移民部长奥康纳(Brendan O'Connor)称,457签证与技工短缺“步调不一致”,因此政府将收紧457签证项目,以保证它确实只被用于解决真正的技工荒,而本地工作族也获得“公平的机会”。 在过去2年里,457签证的签发数量已经从7万猛增至10万。奥康纳称,虽然部分行业和地区确实存在技工缺口,需要引进临时的外国劳工,但是政府须得调整法规和规定,以堵上这一签证项目的漏洞,防止其遭滥用。 部长称,预计将有“数千名”外国劳工被阻挡在澳洲大门外。“不遵纪守法的雇主故意从海外雇佣(廉价)劳动力,却不愿给本地人一个机会。” 根据新的规定: *巡视员将拥有更多的调查权力,从而可对被疑违规的雇主进行更深入的调查; *推出新的测试,以证明要引进457签证劳动力的工作岗位确实存在劳动力缺口,这即是说,雇主必须先证明,他们所提名的岗位确实存在技工短缺,之后才能获允引进457劳工; *堵上允许外国劳工的报酬低于本地工的法律漏洞,要求雇主必须按“市场价(market rates)”给457签证劳工支付报酬,这即意味着报酬门槛从18万元提至25万元; *阻止雇主自定报酬的做法; *提高外国劳工英语口语能力的要求; *部分工作的英语能力要求也将提高; *限制不存在劳力危机的地区和雇主雇佣外国劳工‘ *检查申请引进457签证劳动力的雇主是否做了足够的努力,即为本地工提供培训,以解决劳动缺口。 奥康纳称,“政府希望澳洲人优先获得工作。当前的形势显示,显示457签证项目与真正的劳动力缺口的步调越来越不一致,政府有证据显示,部分雇主利用457签证优先雇佣外国劳工,而非本地工人。” 移民部发现,澳洲本土技工的报酬为22万元,但在与愿意接受18万报酬的外国劳工相比,他们的优势显然就会被比下去。 在墨尔本的IT行业,有关薪资的问题尤其严重。此外,低技能的岗位被包装为高技能的工种,从而获允引进外劳,比如一家公司声称要从外国招募管理员,但事实上却是招聘毫无技术要求的保安人员。另一家“刚刚创立”的墨尔本公司为了获得外劳,创造了许多子虚乌有的岗位。 The temporary skilled work (subclass 457) program will be reformed in response to the changing needs of the Australian economy and domestic employment market, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Brendan O'Connor announced today.
The 457 program plays a vital role in ensuring that Australian businesses are able to source the skilled workers they need where they are unable to find suitably skilled labour in the domestic employment market.
It is important, however, that the program settings take account of the needs of employers and that of the Australian domestic labour force.
'Labor's first priority is always ensuring jobs for Australian workers, and getting Australians in to work,' Mr O'Connor said.
'That's why we took steps to stimulate our economy when faced with the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
'Australia now has relatively low unemployment [5.4 per cent] compared to other western countries like the US, UK and New Zealand.
'The government also recognises that in some industries and some regions there are genuine skill shortages that can only be addressed by the use of temporary foreign labour, through the 457 visa program.
'It has become clear, however, that the growth in the 457 program is out of step with those skills shortages, and the government has evidence that some employers – and I emphasise that word, some – are using 457 visas to discriminate against locals. This cannot continue.
'Australians deserve the chance to get local jobs on local projects and the government is determined to make that happen.
'In this context, the government has decided to introduce a set of changes to the 457 program to ensure employers give Australian workers a fair go.'
Under the changes:
- Employers must demonstrate that they are not nominating positions where a genuine shortage does not exist
- The English language requirements for certain positions have been raised
- The enforceability of existing training requirements for businesses that use the program will be strengthened
- The market salary exemption will rise from $180 000 to $250 000
- On-hire arrangements of 457 visa workers will be restricted
- Compliance and enforcement powers will be beefed up to stop employers who have routinely abused the 457 system
- Stakeholders will be consulted to ensure market rate provisions more effectively protect local employment.
'We do not want to punish those employers who have genuine skill shortages and who are using 457 visas in the way that the system is intended,' Mr O'Connor said.
'But my message to those employers who are either flouting the rules or deliberately overlooking local employees is that the government will not accept these practices.
'It's critical that Australians do not miss out on the opportunities that exist in our economy, because of unscrupulous practices of some employers.
'The government cares about making sure that our systems work and that Australians are getting jobs first. Where we see a problem, we take action.
'We made substantial changes to the 457 program in 2009 to make it more expensive to recruit overseas workers and to strengthen the infringement regime for businesses that were abusing the system.
'We will build on those reforms and take further action to ensure that the system is working appropriately and that local workers are not disadvantaged.'
Temporary work (skilled) (subclass 457) visa details are available on the Department of Immigration and Citizenship's website.