

Migrant numbers cut as job fears rise
  • Phillip Coorey Chief Political Correspondent
  • May 9, 2009[size=1.2em]THE Rudd Government will slash the skilled migration intake for a second time in as many months in a clear signal it expects the jobless rate to keep rising.
    [size=1.2em]The Herald understands next week's federal budget will cut the general skilled migration intake for next financial year by about 7000 people to 108,000.
    [size=1.2em]Added to the decision in March to axe 18,500 places, the total reduction of 25,500 will constitute a 20 per cent cut to the program.
    [size=1.2em]The cuts, the deepest since the previous recession, will proceed despite figures this week showing the unemployment rate fell from 5.7 per cent to 5.4 per cent last month, which translated to an increase of 27,000 jobs.
    [size=1.2em]The Government believes this is an aberration and the budget will forecast an unemployment rate of well above 8 per cent for next financial year, prompting the cut to the migrant intake.
    [size=1.2em]In an interview with the Herald yesterday the Treasurer, Wayne Swan, would not speculate on the cuts but said a recent run of positive data - the unemployment figures, strong retail trade figures and rising commodity prices - should not be interpreted as the start of a recovery.
    [size=1.2em]"The process of deleveraging has still got some way to go; the outlook is uncertain," he said.
    [size=1.2em]"It is good that there is some kind of confidence emerging in some markets, it's good that there are signs of stimulus working in China. But, as we emerge from this, we will be emerging in a completely different environment than we had for the previous half-a-dozen years globally.
    [size=1.2em]"It was only in the middle of last year that we had the highest world growth in 30 years.
    [size=1.2em]"We're not going back to [that] so, as the global economy recovers, the growth trajectory will be somewhat slower than anything that's been necessarily seen for some time."
    [size=1.2em]Mr Swan flagged more targeting of middle-class welfare and higher debt.
    [size=1.2em]It is already known the Government will trim the Medicare Safety Net by capping obstetric, reproductive and vascular services identified as attracting excessive fees, saving $110 million a year.
    [size=1.2em]The Government will also break an election promise and means test the 30 per cent private health rebate, saving $1.9 billion over four years.
    [size=1.2em]Mr Swan said the largesse of the Howard-Costello years, when the mining boom was "raining gold bars on our economy", had left a legacy of unsustainable "structural issues".
    [size=1.2em]"Their decisions are not sustainable over the long term. We've been asked to do things in this budget that Peter Costello couldn't even do when it was raining gold bars - attend to the base rate of pensions, attend to long-term infrastructure.
    [size=1.2em]"We're coping with a global recession and also coping with a hangover in the latter stages of lax budget policy from Peter Costello. We're determined to deal with those issues."
    [size=1.2em]Despite the pressures, the Government will not touch the legislated tax cuts and Mr Swan said superannuation withdrawals for people over 60 would remain tax free.
    [size=1.2em]"We're not touching tax-free super," he said.
    [size=1.2em]Mr Swan did not contradict claims that spending and borrowing in the budget would push gross debt through the legislated $200 billion ceiling.
    [size=1.2em]The revenue shortfall for the next four years would be $200 billion, up from the $115 billion forecast in February.
    [size=1.2em]"It follows that the deficit will be higher and there will be further borrowings," he said.
    [size=1.2em]"The absolutely irresponsible and damaging thing to do in this environment is not to borrow. That's what they did in the Great Depression. They cut back savagely and they created the recipe we're hearing from [the Opposition]."
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