Platinum Professional Training祝贺Michael获得本地珠宝公司的内部审计工作

本帖最后由 Platinumaccg 于 20-3-2016 04:57 PM 编辑


Platinum Professional Training对能够帮助众多的大学学生和会计初级工作者获得他们梦寐以求的工作而感到自豪,也对能够改变他们的未来人生而深感荣幸。我们在澳洲本地会计市场提供合理/逻辑/系统化的会计培训,并以实用的本地会计经验来强化仅仅拥有海外经验,会计学历的求职者们。


From: Michael[mailto:m***]
Sent: Saturday, 20 February 2016 9:00 PM
To: Michelle; Scarlet
Subject: Interview feedback

Hi Michelle and Scarlet,

Thank you for answering the reference check and all the help. Finally, after 2 1/2 months of actively looking for a job, I finally made it. I just started an internal audit position with a retail company with a head office here in Adelaide.

The interview was an intimidating panel interview which included the chief operating officer. But I was ready and confident because I prepared for it. I read a book about succeeding in interviews. I prepared my own answers in all of the questions listed in the book. Fortunately, I had prepared answers in all of the questions raised in the actual interview! Also, I made my homework of researching as much as I could about the company. The research was the basis of the questions I raised when they asked if I have I would like to ask something.

The interview was about an hour and the questions raised were:

1. Tell me about yourself including your work experience.
2. Discuss your particular work experience that is related to the position.
3. Can you handle talking to a cranky stakeholder in person and over the phone? How?
4. Do you think you can communicate well with people with different ethnic backgrounds?
5. Can you multi-task? Your work will require answering a lot of concerns and issues from different stakeholders.
6. How do you handle the pressure at work?
7. This job will require field work and meeting different people. Are you comfortable with that?
8. When is your availability?

Furthermore, I felt that they were impressed that I am doing an unpaid internship in order to gain a local experience. This signified that I am a dedicated person who is willing to sacrifice.


Contact Us:
Adelaide Office:    Suite 717-718, 38 Gawler Pl, Adelaide SA 5000                                                                                      08 8123 0933, 0422 992 530

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恭喜最近lee和Sally 同时进入银行工作,最后一轮面试10人选5人,有两人都是我们的实习生,实在为他们感到高兴
澳洲会计就业第一站,就找白金财会培训,0422 992 530
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澳洲会计就业第一站,就找白金财会培训,0422 992 530
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