本帖最后由 绚丽多彩 于 10-9-2015 06:35 PM 编辑
Stonyfell小区介绍 位置: 东边Burnside市靠近山的一个环境优美的区. 离阿德莱德市中心Victoria SQ 7公里,途径Kensington Road开车12分钟可以到达。
平均收入 (AverageHousehold Income): Stonyfell 是南澳州排在Medindie,Unley Park, Springfield和Mount Osmond 之后平均收入第5位。 InMedindie (State Suburbs), for couple families with two incomes, the medianincome for those with children was $3,700 and those without children was $2,750 InStonyfell (State Suburbs), for couple families with two incomes, the medianincome for those with children was $3,240 and those without children was$2,833. InNorwood (SA) (State Suburbs), for couple families with two incomes, the medianincome for those with children was $2,799 and those without children was $2,421 In Unley(State Suburbs), for couple families with two incomes, the median income forthose with children was $2,883 and those without children was $2,660. InMarion (State Suburbs), for couple families with two incomes, the median incomefor those with children was $2,282 and those without children was $1,905. 评分:10分
安全:根据2012年数据,Burnside市 (Stonyfell 区属于Burnside市)每1000人犯罪率位2.96%,是南澳州Metro地区最安全的区。提供以下几个数据可见分晓 Cityof Adelaide Hill 3.39% Cityof Mitcham 4.07% Cityof Unley 4.95% Cityof Walkervill 5.01% Cityof Campbelltown 6.11% Cityof Norwood Payneham St Peters 6.78 Cityof Tea Tree Gully 6.9% Cityof West Torrens (Richmond, Torrenville,Brookly Park等西边)7.08% Cityof Marion 7.3% Cityof Prospect 8.08% Cityof Holdfast Bay 8.52% Cityof Charles Sturt 10.13% Cityof Adelaide 70.87% 链接:http://ocsar.sa.gov.au/LGAs_Adelaide.html
交通:141 第19站。高峰期15分钟一班,低峰期30-40分钟一班。20分钟可到阿大。途径阿大,Rundle Mall,移民局,TafeSA和南澳大学。乘车时间表请见附件。
购物:Burnside Shopping Centre 或 Erindale ShoppingCentre 。没有车的同学建议在City Rundle Mall 的超市购物后坐车回家。