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Full function of Account Receivable/Account Payable including but not limiit to:
1.Creating customer records
2.Setting up Sals linked accounts to the general ledger
3.Credit sales invoice
4.Cash received from customers

5.Using quotes, orders, invoices and the sales register
6. Preparing a bank deposit, und
7. Dishonored and re-presented cheques
8. Account receivable ageing report

Payroll including but not limiit to:
1. Gross pay, deductions, entitlment(sick leave and holiday leave), workcover and net pay
2. Setting up employee recoreds and standard pays
3. payroll end of year functions
4. PAYG and Activity Statement

GST including but not limiit to:
1.GST codes for items
2.GST codes for customer
3. BAS
4. Basic GST concept

Cash Transactions including but not limiit to:
1. Recording money received
2. Using undeposited funds account
3. Cash payments
4.Petty cash
5.Bank/credit card reconnciliation

General Ledger including but not limiit to:
1. Adding budger data to accounts
2. Recording general entries
3. Balance day adjustemnt
4. Provison for doubtful debts
5. Periodic inventory entries
6. Reversing entries
7. Writing off an asset
8. Depreciation

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