请问两门课Tax, Estate & Wealth Planning and Global wealth management

请问两门课Tax, Estate & Wealth Planning  and Global wealth management 的上课内容, 考核方式, 所需教材

I mean in Adelaide uni. thanks
For Tax, Estate & Wealth Planning , there are more than one teachers, TAX is main part of this course focused on tax structure in business and personal wealth, and estate is about creating a legal and valid will when people die. some parts of course are about trust--family trust, unit trust. Believe me which is quite useful !
Good luck!
你可以看看MYUNI里面的 但是现在好像没有出来好具体的结果
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Thank you, but I have not chosed yet, so I want more information about these courses, also there is one more course called industry reseach, I hope somebody can help, cheers
I heard that industry research has been cancelled this semester because not many students enrolled. But last sememster, one of my friend has studied that subject, she said it is esay, just do some market research in actual life and a presentation, that's it.
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still waiting for kind people to answer the questions, cheers
Honestly, I haven't hear any Chinese student every enrol Industry research, r u sure you really want to do that?
you want to do the Financial planner. Right? Not many students study these courses. It is very hard to get job to finish the one year practical experience.
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