5月19号到阿村。求房2间。两位MR 。急 !

19号就可以到期盼已久的阿村了。 10分激动啊。 {:4_179:}  希望能够租到一个价格合适,交通便利,室友和善好相处,的房子。

这个是我上学的地址,16-20 Coglin Street, Adelaide 5000    大家可以参考下,然后提供房子信息。

急求。 谢谢各位村友了。
自己给顶一个。 。
i have too room for rent which is in easter surbub ( Hectorville). it is 3 bedroom house , full furniture, clean, and lovely environment. the big room is double bed, the other is single one. so the big one is $ 125 per week including all bills, and the other one is $115 also including all the bills. so if you are interested in that or need more info, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0425408258, or email me on [email protected]
我有两间短租,到9月底,离city15站,交通购物便利,有兴趣联系[email protected]
I've got 2 single rooms available. The large one is 140 dollars per week and the small one is 120 dollars, including every thing. For further inf please call me 0430337055 or QQ 446224206(please notice RENT to my QQ).
CITY Gouger St学生宿舍有两个单人房五月底可以出租,特近Central Market, 中国城, 有 FREE BUS, 房间里家具齐全, 中央空调. SHARE 厨房和卫生间(两套). 另有专人打扫公共区域卫生.
租金为$140/W (包水电煤气宽带). 必須签约租期至少半年, 两周镑金加预付两周租金.

没有照片, 整楼有10个房间,房间都很简单,就一张单人床,一张书桌(带书柜),一张椅子,一个衣橱,房间比较大, 有天窗. 空调24小时. 有诚意的来看房.

誠招愛乾淨人士入住, 女士优先

有意請聯係 Shirley 8212 8866  (9:00am~5:00pm)
                                  0423339076 (9:00am~8:00pm) 8:00pm后謝絕來電

网络用的是internode公司的Home-NakedExtreme-100计划,NakedExtreme ADSL2+ can reach speeds of up to 24 Mbps。 每个房间平均一个月使用10G。
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