哈佛女校长给本科毕业生的毕业演讲 PART IIII

But what is ultimately most important here is that you are asking the question — not just of me but of yourselves. You are choosing roads and at the same time challenging your own choices. You have a notion of what you want your life to be and you are not sure the road you are taking is going to get you there. This is the best news. And it is also, I hope, to some degree, our fault. Noticing your life, reflecting upon it, considering how you can live it well, wondering how you can do good: These are perhaps the most valuable things that a liberal arts education has equipped you to do. A liberal education demands that you live self-consciously. It prepares you to seek and define the meaning inherent in all you do. It has made you an analyst and critic of yourself, a person in this way supremely equipped to take charge of your life and how it unfolds. It is in this sense that the liberal arts are liberal — as in liberare — to free. They empower you with the possibility of exercising agency, of discovering meaning, of making choices. The surest way to have a meaningful, happy life is to commit yourself to striving for it. Don’t settle. Be prepared to change routes. Remember the impossible expectations we have of you, and even as you recognize they are impossible, remember how important they are as a lodestar guiding you toward something that matters to you and to the world. The meaning of your life is for you to make.
但是我在这儿说的最重要的是:你们在问那些问题——不仅是问我,而是在问你们自己。你们正在选择人生的道路,同时也在对自己的选择提出质疑。你们知道自己想过什么样的生活,也知道你们将行的道路不一定会把你们带到想去的地方。这样其实很好。某种程度上,我倒希望这是我们的错。我们一直在标榜人生,像镜子一样照出未来你们的模样,思考你们怎么可以过得幸福,探索你们怎样才能去做些对社会有价值的事:这些也许是文科教育可以给你们“装备”的最有价值的东西。文科教育要求你们要活得“明白”。它使你探索和定义你做的每件事情背后的价值。它让你成为一个经常分析和反省自己的人。而这样的人完全能够掌控自己的人生或未来。从这个道理上讲,文科——照它的字面意思——才使你们自由。(英语里文科是Liberal Art,照字面解释是自由的艺术)学文科可以让你有机会去进行理论的实践,去发现你所做的选择的价值。想过上有价值的,幸福的生活,最可靠的途径就是为了你的目标去奋斗。不要安于现状得过且过。随时准备着改变人生的道路。记住我们对你们的我觉得是“过于崇高”的期待,可能你们自己也承认那些期待是有点“太高了”。不过如果想做些对于你们自己或是这个世界有点价值的事情,记住它们,它们将会像北斗一样指引着你们。你们人生的价值将由你们去实现!
I can’t wait to see how you all turn out. Do come back, from time to time, and let us know.

可真够长的, 不过绝对值得花上1小时去认真阅读, 不光是为了提高英文, 这些话语的意义也是值得回味的。
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