
新浪博客 : 雅思李星苑




1. recognise one's ability/ perceive one's talent/one's talent be perceived

2. enrol in a school/attend a school

3. sth that made him rich and famous/ sth bring him both fame and fortune

4. Immediately understand/instant recognition
5. refer to/ known as
6. consult/ ask advice of
7. now/ current/present/happening
8. transmission/ sending information
9. response/ reply
10. ground rules/ assumptions underlying the research
11. likelihood/ it seems/ perhaps, guess, estimate
12. life expectancy/ the lifetime of
13. most powerful/ the largest/ the biggest/ the best/ the greatest
14. resemble/ pretty well like/ be similar to/ same as
15. promptly/ immediately/instantly
16. migrant/ migrate/ migration
17. before/ in advance/ prior/ previously/ former
18. make big changes/ redesign/modification/alteration
19. lack/ never/no/not/in need of/want
20. incomplete fossilised remains/ only fragments are found
21. determine/ decide
22. obtain/  acquire/  earn / gain / get/  procure/  receive / secure
23. dense/ tight/thick/heavy
24. indicate/ demonstrate / disclose / display / exhibit/  express/  hint/  imply/  point out/  present/  reveal/  show /signify/suggest

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